I've got a Terraform local variable loaded from a bunch of json files that is a list of objects, like this:
raw_repo_data = [
"collaborators" = {
"teams" = [
"permission" = "admin"
"slug" = "ops"
"permission" = "triage"
"slug" = "projectmanagement"
"permission" = "triage"
"slug" = "secops"
"description" = "Terraform module to create a github repo with opinionated properties"
"name" = "terraform-github-repo"
"visibility" = "private"
I've generated a map of team ids from a data source, keyed on slug:
locals {
# Get the set of github team slugs used by all repositories
team_slugs = toset(
for name, repo in local.raw_repo_data : [
for team in lookup(repo.collaborators, "teams", []) :
team_ids = {
for team in data.github_team.this : team.slug => team.id
data "github_team" "this" {
for_each = local.team_slugs
slug = each.value
The team_ids map looks like this:
team_ids = {
"ops" = "3676156"
"projectmanagement" = "6105717"
"secops" = "7766525"
I'd like to replace all the team slugs with their equivalent team id, like this:
repo_data = [
"collaborators" = {
"teams" = [
"permission" = "admin"
"slug" = "3676156"
"permission" = "triage"
"slug" = "6105717"
"permission" = "triage"
"slug" = "7766525"
"description" = "Terraform module to create a github repo with opinionated properties"
"name" = "terraform-github-repo"
"visibility" = "private"
I realise I'll need to copy the repo_data structure to a new local variable, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to construct the necessary for loops to do this.
I've got as far as this:
locals {
repo_data = [
for repo in local.raw_repo_data : [
for k, v in repo : {
k = v
I can't figure out how to copy all attributes without change, and only process the collaborators.teams list.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
With the help of the answer here, I figured it out:
locals {
repo_data = [
for repo in local.raw_repo_data : {
for k, v in repo : k =>
k == "collaborators" ?
for k2, v2 in v : k2 =>
k2 == "teams" ? [
for block in v2 : {
for k4, v4 in block : k4 =>
k4 == "slug" ? local.team_ids[v4] : v4
: v2
: v