I have made this for loop to make create qqnorms for all specified columns. However it doesn't output the names correctly. I need the column name to align with the correct plot.
par(mfrow = c(3,2))
loop.vector <- 3:7 # designate columns for qqnorms
colName <- names(Final_data[loop.vector]) # gets column name
for (i in loop.vector) {
x <- Final_data[, i]
qqnorm(x, main = paste(colName))
This is what I need:
There is a typo in your loop. Might be easier to use
par(mfrow = c(3, 2))
lapply(names(mtcars)[3:7], \(i) qqnorm(mtcars[[i]], main = i))
where we use mtcars
as toy data.