I'm working on an Excel project where I use VBA and two workbooks : One to update some tables (analysis requests updated with a macro while opening) and another one where I copy part of those tables adding informations after tables were updated.
The first file where I have my requests launch an update when it opens :
Set myCurrentWorkbook = ThisWorkbook
do some stuffs...
call my_copy
Here is the code in my_copy :
Set myWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(myPath)
do some stuff
myWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True
The problem is : seems like Excel crashes when I try to close the second workbook, and relaunched itself. So it relaunchs the first macro, which call my_copy, recrashes, and goes in an infinite loop.
When in my_copy I just let myWorkbook.Save
without closing it doesn't crash..
I tried to fix it using two lines like this :
myWorkbook.Close (True)
But nothing changed..
How could I fix it please ? What's going wrong ?
Best regards
Find a walkaround to avoid those problems : In the firstlines of my code, I write on a dedicate cells the current date. Then I add a condition in the initial code :
If myCurrentWorkbook.Worksheets(mySheet).cells(1,1) = Date then Exit Sub
Works because the second time it opens, date were updated and so it stops the loop !!
Thanks everyone for the help.