I'm trying to bridge a Rust-based networking layer written with uniffi-rs
to my Swift-based Xcode project. It has some weird type of system now, but I have this until I figure out something else.
I need to catch an enum error type with a single case and some associated values. Is this possible at all?
do {
try await throwingRustOperation()
} catch let error as RustBasedPackage.SessionError where case let .Error(statusCode, error) = error { // Doesn't work.
if case let .Error(statusCode, error) = error { // Works.
pushResetPasswordLaunchEmailAppViewController(email: email)
} else {
This is the enum error types:
public enum SessionError {
case Error(statusCode: UInt16, error: ErrorDetail
public struct ErrorDetail {
public var message: String
public var errorCode: String
public var code: ErrorResponseCode
// Default memberwise initializers are never public by default, so we
// declare one manually.
public init(message: String, errorCode: String, code: ErrorResponseCode) {
self.message = message
self.errorCode = errorCode
self.code = code
Thanks to @sweeper, this is what I was looking for:
do {
try await throwingRustOperation()
} catch let RustBasedPackage.SessionError.Error(_, errorDetail) where errorDetail.code == .CommunicationError {
pushResetPasswordLaunchEmailAppViewController(email: email)
} catch {