
Flutter user filters in Firebase database streaming

I'm streaming from FirebaseFirestore, where a user has two options for filtering the data.

I have created a method for that logic, but I don't know which object data my method should take and as such I can't get the itemCount when I want to use the ListView.builder.

In my code, I've done the initialization as follows:

late String? selectedStatus;
 late List<String> status;
 late String? selectedOrder;
 late List<String> nameOrder;
 int selectedStatusIndex = -1;
 int selectedNameOrder = -1;

  void initState() {
    status = [
      "Not Verified",
      "Pending verification",
    selectedStatus = status[0];

    nameOrder = [
      "First Name",
      "Last Name",
    selectedOrder = nameOrder[0];

String fieldName() {
    if (selectedOrder == nameOrder[1]) {
      return "FirstName";
    if (selectedOrder == nameOrder[2]) {
      return "LastName";
    } else {
      return "";

Then in my method:

filter() {
    if (selectedStatus == status[0]) {
      if (selectedOrder == nameOrder[0]) {
        return FirebaseFirestore.instance
      } else {
        return FirebaseFirestore.instance
              descending: false,
    } else {
      if (selectedOrder == nameOrder[0]) {
        return FirebaseFirestore.instance
            .where("Status", isEqualTo: selectedStatus)
      } else {
        return FirebaseFirestore.instance
            .where("Status", isEqualTo: selectedStatus)
              descending: false,

In my build widget, I have a stream build where I called my filter() method in the stream.

  stream: filter(),
  builder: (context, snapshot){
  return ListView.Builder(
      itemCount: //This is where the problem is 
      itemBuilder: .....

The problem is in the itemCount. I believe since my filter() does not take in any object, the stream builder does not understand it as a query from Firestore. But the problem is I don't which object FirebaseFirestore, and for that matter my filter() method should take.


  • Since you're using a StreamBuilder, so there's no need to nest a ListView.Builder in there. Instead use the normal ListView constructor with the children you get from the snapshots() stream.

    Following the Flutter example from the Firebase documentation on listening to updates:

      stream: filter(),
      builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<QuerySnapshot> snapshot) {
        if (snapshot.hasError) {
          return const Text('Something went wrong');
        if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
          return const Text("Loading");
        return ListView(
          children: snapshot.data!.docs
              .map((DocumentSnapshot document) {
                Map<String, dynamic> data =
                    document.data()! as Map<String, dynamic>;
                return ListTile( // Render your document data here
                  title: Text(data['full_name']),
                  subtitle: Text(data['company']),