I have 3 tables in an Oracle database which I am trying to join and run some aggregates on :
orders: (3000 + rows)
order_line_items: (5000 + rows)
items: (14 million rows)
When I run the following code in PySpark:
joined_df = (orders_df.alias("o")
.join(orders_line_item_df.alias("oli"), F.col("o.order_id") == F.col("oli.order_id"), how="inner")
.join(item_df.alias("iw"), F.col("oli.item_id") == F.col("iw.item_id"), how="inner")
It completes within 40 seconds and generates the following query plan:
== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan (25)
+- == Final Plan ==
ResultQueryStage (14), Statistics(sizeInBytes=981.6 KiB, rowCount=100, ColumnStat: N/A, isRuntime=true)
+- CollectLimit (13)
+- BroadcastHashJoin Inner BuildLeft (12)
:- AQEShuffleRead (10)
: +- ShuffleQueryStage (9), Statistics(sizeInBytes=10.9 MiB, rowCount=2.01E+3, ColumnStat: N/A, isRuntime=true)
: +- Exchange (8)
: +- BroadcastHashJoin Inner BuildLeft (7)
: :- AQEShuffleRead (5)
: : +- ShuffleQueryStage (4), Statistics(sizeInBytes=4.9 MiB, rowCount=1.35E+3, ColumnStat: N/A, isRuntime=true)
: : +- Exchange (3)
: : +- Filter (2)
: : +- Scan JDBCRelation(orders) [numPartitions=1] (1)
: +- Scan JDBCRelation(order_line_item) [numPartitions=1] (6)
+- Scan JDBCRelation(item_wms) [numPartitions=1] (11)
But when I add a GROUP BY
with a MIN
aggregate the query does not finish:
WHEN iw.code IN(
'A', 'B'
WHEN bill_id = '2'
THEN '2'
WHEN bill_id IN ('14','63')
THEN '3'
WHEN bill_id IN('76','09')
THEN '4'
) foo
orders o
JOIN order_line_item oli ON oli.order_id = o.order_id
JOIN item iw ON oli.item_id = iw.item_id
o.status IN (
The query plan generated is:
== Physical Plan ==
AdaptiveSparkPlan (41)
+- == Current Plan ==
CollectLimit (22)
+- SortAggregate (21)
+- Sort (20)
+- ShuffleQueryStage (19), Statistics(sizeInBytes=2.02E+22 B, ColumnStat: N/A)
+- Exchange (18)
+- SortAggregate (17)
+- * Sort (16)
+- * Project (15)
+- * BroadcastHashJoin Inner BuildLeft (14)
:- AQEShuffleRead (12)
: +- ShuffleQueryStage (11), Statistics(sizeInBytes=94.3 KiB, rowCount=2.01E+3, ColumnStat: N/A, isRuntime=true)
: +- Exchange (10)
: +- * Project (9)
: +- * BroadcastHashJoin Inner BuildLeft (8)
: :- AQEShuffleRead (6)
: : +- ShuffleQueryStage (5), Statistics(sizeInBytes=52.8 KiB, rowCount=1.35E+3, ColumnStat: N/A, isRuntime=true)
: : +- Exchange (4)
: : +- * Project (3)
: : +- * Filter (2)
: : +- * Scan JDBCRelation(orders) [numPartitions=1] (1)
: +- * Scan JDBCRelation(order_line_item) [numPartitions=1] (7)
+- * Scan JDBCRelation(item_wms) [numPartitions=1] (13)
What my understanding is:
actually limits the result and it can do the join only for the 100 rows and exit.order_id
.Am I correct ?
Further questions:
symbols mean in the query plan? Does it mean it's a different stage or different job?I am asking this as I am a beginner to Spark query optimization and need to know how to interpret a query plan.
Cluster info: 4 cores 32 GB Single Node.
I will try and answer some of your questions :
1.In the first query Spark processes only a small subset of the data because of limit(100).The query plan includes a CollectLimit
operation, meaning Spark limits the data as soon as it has gathered 100 rows.
2.In the second query the GROUP BY
operation typically requires a sort or shuffle operation across all partitions of the data. Spark performs a ShuffleQueryStage
to redistribute the data across partitions before performing the aggregation. This is why the query takes longer to complete.You will see stages like SortAggregate
, Exchange
, and ShuffleQueryStage
. These stages represent the sorting, shuffling,etc.
What does +
The + symbols in the query plan do not represent different stages or jobs. They are used to represent nested operations. The deeper a stage is in the tree, the more + symbols it has.
how should I interpret when new job or stage is created ?
You can use Spark UI to visualize new stages and identify memory usage of each tasks etc.