I feel lke there must be a more streamlined way to do this than re-executing the whole click event code each time.
In 'big' mode, I don't need the overlay, so I shut it off. But I want it to work when I switch back to 'default' or 'smol' mode.
My sizer buttons:
<a href="javascript:false" class="smol" onclick="sizer('smol')">Small</a>
<a href="javascript:false" class="default" onclick="sizer('default')">Default</a>
<a href="javascript:false" class="big" onclick="sizer('big')">Big</a>
// my generated content
<article>My content 1</article>
<article>My content 2</article>
// etc.
<div id="overlay" onclick="hideOverlay()"></div>
My sizer function:
function sizer(sz) {
// a bunch of CSS to resize my content
if (sz=="big") {
else {
Turning the overlay click functionality on and off (ctually, destroying it and recreating it each time)
function enableOverlay(state){
if (state) { // sizer is 'default' or 'smol'
// set article to show overlay when clicked
$( "article" ).on("click", function(){
// build the contents of the overlay on-the-fly for this article
var aside = $(this).find("aside");
var o = $("#overlay");
o.contents().remove(); //destroy old content
o.append(aside[0].innerHTML); // add new content
else { // sizer is 'big'
// disable article click event
$( "article" ).off();
function hideOverlay(){
// hide when clicked
And of course, I start off in default mode:
$( document ).ready(function() {
Isn't there a way of keeping the click event bound but disabling it temporarily?
Maybe I will try to add a temporary variable.
let overlayEnabled = true;
function sizer(sz) {
// a bunch of CSS to resize my content
overlayEnabled = sz !== 'big';
$( "article" ).on("click", function(){
if (!overlayEnabled) {
// build the contents of the overlay on-the-fly for this article
var aside = $(this).find("aside");
var o = $("#overlay");
o.contents().remove(); //destroy old content
o.append(aside[0].innerHTML); // add new content
or if you don't want a flag variable, you can set data attribute on the overlay.
function sizer(sz) {
// a bunch of CSS to resize my content
$("#overlay").attr('data-enabled', sz !== 'big')
$( "article" ).on("click", function(){
const enabled = $("#overlay").attr('data-enabled');
// notice: the type of enabled is string
if (enabled === 'false') {
// rest of code