I am working on a simulation study in R where I am plotting bias and variance curves for different estimators. I want the titles of the subplots to include properly formatted mathematical expressions, specifically \beta_0 and \beta_1, using expression()
in the main
argument of the plot()
Here is the relevant portion of my code for plotting:
# Define plotting parameters
pch_values <- c(3, 4, 18, 20) # Symbols for different cases
colors <- c("red", "blue", "gray60") # Colors for different noises
plot_titles <- c("Bias Curves", "Variance Curves")
coeff_labels <- c(expression(beta[0]), expression(beta[1]))
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(4, 4, 2, 1)) # 2x2 layout
for (plot_type in c("bias", "variance")) {
for (coef_idx in seq_along(coeff_labels)) {
coef_name <- ifelse(coef_idx == 1, "beta_0", "beta_1")
# Compute y-axis range
ylim_range <- range(sapply(results_coef, function(noise_list) {
sapply(noise_list, function(case_list) {
y_values <- abs(case_list[[plot_type]][[coef_name]]) # Absolute for bias
}), na.rm = TRUE)
# Initialize the plot
plot(NULL, log = "x", xlim = range(sample_sizes), ylim = ylim_range,
xlab = "Sample Size (T)", ylab = str_to_title(plot_type),
main = paste(plot_titles[ifelse(plot_type == "bias", 1, 2)], " (", coeff_labels[coef_idx], ") ", sep = ""))
for (noise_idx in seq_along(noise_types)) {
noise <- noise_types[noise_idx]
case_counter <- 1
for (scale in unique(unlist(lapply(cases, `[[`, noise)))) {
y_values <- abs(results_coef[[noise]][[as.character(scale)]][[plot_type]][[coef_name]]) # Absolute for bias
lines(sample_sizes, y_values, col = colors[noise_idx], lty = noise_idx, lwd = 1)
points(sample_sizes, y_values, col = colors[noise_idx], pch = pch_values[case_counter])
case_counter <- case_counter + 1
# Add legends
legend("topright", legend = str_to_title(noise_types), col = colors,
lty = 1:length(noise_types), lwd = 1, bty = "n", inset = c(.2, 0))
legend("topright", legend = paste("Case", seq_along(pch_values)),
pch = pch_values, col = "black", bty = "n")
However, instead of displaying the mathematical expressions \beta_0 and \beta_1 in the plot titles, the main
text shows beta[0]
and beta[1]
as plain text.
How can I correctly format the plot titles to include both text (e.g., "Bias Curves") and LaTeX-style mathematical expressions like \beta_0 and \beta_1 in the main
argument of plot()
Any suggestions or alternative approaches would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a minimal working example:
# Define plotting parameters
coeff_labels <- c(expression(beta[0]), expression(beta[1]))
plot_titles <- c("Bias Curves", "Variance Curves")
# Attempting to plot with combined text and expressions
plot(NULL, xlim = c(1, 10), ylim = c(1, 10),
main = paste(plot_titles[1], " (", coeff_labels[1], ")", sep = ""))
Although I am not sure it properly conveys the problem.
Your coeff_labels
variables are expressions which would be formatted properly on their own, but you are combining them with strings using c()
, so everything is converted to strings and it doesn't work.
If you were willing to hard code the labels, it would be easy. Use
# Attempting to plot with combined text and expressions
plot(NULL, xlim = c(1, 10), ylim = c(1, 10),
main = expression(paste("Bias Curves (", beta[0], ")")))
So the thing you need to do is to construct an expression like that out of variables. There are lots of ways to do it; substitute
might be easiest. For example,
plot(NULL, xlim = c(1, 10), ylim = c(1, 10),
main = substitute(paste(title, " ", (label)),
list(title = plot_titles[1],
label = coeff_labels[[1]])))