I am trying to access a template ref from a deeply nested children. I have three components, SecondLayer.vue, HelloWorld.vue and Calendar.vue. I want to provide childrenRef
from SecondLayer.vue
and access it in Calendar.vue
via inject.
In SecondLayer.vue
<div ref="childrenRef">
This is from the second layer HEADER
<slot name="header"></slot>
This is the from second layer MAIN. The price is: {{ test }}
<slot name="main"></slot>
<script setup>
import { inject, provide, ref, onMounted } from "vue";
const test = inject("price");
const childrenRef = ref(null);
const test1 = ref("TEST1");
// provide("childrenRef", childrenRef.value);
provide("test1", test1.value);
onMounted(() => {
provide("childrenRef", childrenRef.value);
In HelloWorld.vue
<div class="greetings">
<template #header>
<button>A button for the header</button>
<template #main>
<button>A button for main</button>
<h1 class="green">{{ msg }}</h1>
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In Calendar.vue
const childrenRef: any = inject("childrenRef");
const test1: any = inject("test1");
watch(childrenRef, newVal => {
onMounted( async () => {
selectedDaysInMonth.value = daysInMonth(selectedYear, selectedMonth);
await nextTick();
In the onMounted
of SecondLayer
I can see children.ref
showing the div.
In the onMounted
of Calendar
I can see test1
being logged as TEST1
but childrenRef
is logged as null
. This is where I don't understand. I've ensured it's provided when the SecondLayer
component is mounted and that's when I provide childrenRef
, why is it that the Calendar
component sees it as null
Can someone explain what I am doing wrong or misunderstanding?
The problem that you provide an unwrapped ref value which is undefined
at the moment of calling provide
Rather provide the ref itself:
provide("childrenRef", childrenRef);
Then you will be inject this ref and use it as a ref. Providing the DIV element wouldn't work since it's not available at the time the setup function is called. Moreover Vue can re-render and recreate HTML with another DIV for various reasons (introduced later for example) and you will have an invalid (old) DIV. So use a reference.
In the Calendar.vue you get your DIV: