
Pydantic vs. Python 3.13.0: No module named 'typing_extensions'

I have code that worked fine with Python 3.10.12 and Pydantic 2.7.3.

I read that Pydantic ^2.8 supports Python 3.13.

The same code, and indeed even just import pydantic under a Python 3.13.0 shell with Pydantic 2.10.2, however, gives:

  File "/home/user/path-to-package/src/", line 9, in <module>
    from pydantic import TypeAdapter, BaseModel, validator
  File "/home/user/path-to-package/.venv/lib/python3.13/site-packages/pydantic/", line 396, in <module>
    _getattr_migration = getattr_migration(__name__)   
  File "/home/user/path-to-package/.venv/lib/python3.13/site-packages/pydantic/", line 260, in getattr_migration
    from .errors import PydanticImportError
  File "/home/user/path-to-package/.venv/lib/python3.13/site-packages/pydantic/", line 7, in <module>
    from typing_extensions import Literal, Self 
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'typing_extensions'


How can I fix this?


  • ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'typing_extensions'

    You possess two Python versions which are 3.10.12 and 3.13. The typing_extensions will only be available for download in version 3.10, not 3.13.

    The problem can be fixed.

    Add Python 3.13 version.

    py -3.13 -m pip install typing-extensions --upgrade

    As for me, I have Python 3.12.7 and 3.14.0a2.

    I tried this today py -3.14 -m pip install typing-extensions --upgrade

    And here is output:

    > C:\Users\>py -3.14 -m pip install typing-extensions --upgrade
    > Collecting typing-extensions   Using cached
    > typing_extensions-4.12.2-py3-none-any.whl.metadata (3.0 kB) Using
    > cached typing_extensions-4.12.2-py3-none-any.whl (37 kB) Installing
    > collected packages: typing-extensions Successfully installed
    > typing-extensions-4.12.2