
Is it possible to conditionally get a variable group using a variable?

I have a Variable group called "CI environments" with those variables:

I have a yaml pipeline with a variable called CIDatabase in a branch called Branch1

Can I set the value of CIDatabse like this?

echo "##vso[task.setvariable variable=CIDatabase ]variables.$(TR_CI_${{variables['Build.SourceBranchName']}})"


  • Build.SourceBranchName is a predefined variable available in templates, so you don't need to set output variables.

    Try using template expression syntax ${{ ... }} instead:

      - group: 'CI environments'
      - name: CIDatabase
        # e.g. if source branch name is 'dev' then variable value will be '$(CI_dev)'
        value: "$(CI_${{ variables['Build.SourceBranchName'] }})"
      - script: |
          echo "Database: $(CIDatabase)"