My scheme on prisma:
/// This model or at least one of its fields has comments in the database, and requires an additional setup for migrations: Read more:
model articles {
id String @id @default(uuid())
dealership_id String
type String? @db.VarChar(255)
brand String? @db.VarChar(255)
model String? @db.VarChar(255)
year Int?
vin String? @db.VarChar(255)
registration_number String? @db.VarChar(255)
purchase_price Decimal? @db.Decimal(10, 0)
selling_price Decimal? @db.Decimal(10, 0)
maintenance_needed Decimal? @db.Decimal(10, 0)
maintenance_done Decimal? @db.Decimal(10, 0)
condition String? @db.VarChar(255)
description String? @db.Text
maintenance_date DateTime? @db.Timestamp(0)
created_at DateTime? @default(now()) @db.Timestamp(0)
updated_at DateTime? @updatedAt @db.Timestamp(0)
dealership dealerships @relation(fields: [dealership_id], references: [id]) // Relación con concesionaria
purchases purchases[]
sales sales[]
article_photos article_photos[] // Relación con fotos de artículo
@@index([dealership_id], map: "dealership_id")
and my POST method on route.ts:
import prisma from '@/utils/prisma';
import { NextResponse } from 'next/server';
export async function POST(req: Request) {
try {
// Verifica si estás usando Next.js 13+
const body = await req.json(); // Extrae el JSON del request
console.log('Body recibido:', body); // Log para depuración
// Validar el contenido del body
if (!body.type || !body.brand || !body.model) {
return NextResponse.json(
{ error: 'Todos los campos son obligatorios' },
{ status: 400 }
// Crear artículo
const article = await prisma.articles.create({
data: {
dealership_id: 'd9078ca9-4d6e-4d0e-a60d-dabbb3c8e5c2', // ID fijo para prueba
return NextResponse.json(article, { status: 201 });
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
return NextResponse.json(
{ error: 'Error al registrar el artículo' },
{ status: 500 }
I already tried creating new migrations in db or "npx prisma db push" and it didn't solve my problem, it only happens on this entity, for example, I created a dealership without problems and used its uuid to try to create an article.
I found out what is wrong here, "TypeError: The argument "payload" must be of type object. Received null" is always an error in the json we send in Postman/thunder.
In this case, I have a property called "maintenance_date" which I defined as "timestamp", so I have to pass it the full format of a "timestamp" otherwise it will fail.