I have the following simple code which places a Button
on a View
and when tapped, presents a TextField
on a .sheet
struct TestView: View
@State private var sheetIsPresented: Bool = false
@State private var userInput: String = ""
@FocusState private var textFieldIsFocused: Bool
var body: some View
self.sheetIsPresented = true
.sheet(isPresented: self.$sheetIsPresented)
TextField("Enter name", text: self.$userInput).focused(self.$textFieldIsFocused)
.onChange(of: self.textFieldIsFocused)
When the TextField
is activated and the keyboard appears, the .onChange
of is not occurring and "textFieldIsFocused" is not being printed to the console. However, when I move the code for the TextField
out of the.sheet
and onto the View
itself, it works perfectly fine. How can I get this FocusState
property to work when the TextField
is on the .sheet
It works when you factor out the sheet content into a separate view:
struct TestViewSheet: View {
@Binding var userInput: String
@FocusState private var textFieldIsFocused: Bool
var body: some View {
HStack {
TextField("Enter name", text: $userInput)
.onChange(of: textFieldIsFocused) {
struct TestView: View {
@State private var sheetIsPresented: Bool = false
@State private var userInput: String = ""
var body: some View {
Button("Hello") {
sheetIsPresented = true
.sheet(isPresented: $sheetIsPresented) {
TestViewSheet(userInput: $userInput)