I’m trying to execute a Google Cloud Run job and pass environment variables to it, similar to how I would using the gcloud CLI:
gcloud run jobs execute <test-job> --update-env-vars key1=value1,key2=value2
I want to achieve the same functionality using either the Node.js or Python client libraries for Google Cloud Run.
Here’s the auto-generated code snippet for running a job using the Node.js client:
// const overrides = {};
// Imports the Run library
const {JobsClient} = require('@google-cloud/run').v2;
// Instantiates a client
const runClient = new JobsClient();
async function callRunJob() {
// Construct request
const request = {
// overrides,
// Run request
const [operation] = await runClient.runJob(request);
const [response] = await operation.promise();
Reference: RunJob method documentation
How can I modify this code to pass environment variables to the job execution, similar to using --update-env-vars in the gcloud CLI? I’m looking for solutions in either Node.js or Python.
you must pass the override parameters like this
const request = {
name: job,
overrides: {
containerOverrides: {
env: [
name: <envVar.name>,
value: <envVar.value>,