At one point in my app I want to navigate to a nested graph that's starting destination requires an ID from the previous screen, but I get an error:
kotlinx.serialization.SerializationException: Serializer for class 'Companion' is not found.
Please ensure that class is marked as '@Serializable' and that the serialization compiler plugin is applied.
The Graph:
data object MainScreen {
data class MainScreenFirstScreen(val id: Int)
The Navigation:
onNavigateToNextScreen = { id ->
route = OwnerGraph.MainScreen.MainScreenFirstScreen(
id = id
The NavGraph
fun NavGraphBuilder.mainScreenOwnerNavGraph(
navHostController: NavHostController,
) {
startDestination = OwnerGraph.MainScreen.MainScreenFirstScreen
) {
composable<OwnerGraph.MainScreen.MainScreenFirstScreen> { navBackStackEntry ->
Text("Main Screen")
You have to pass either argument or default value in route. If you just want to ignore passing arguments in OwnerGraph.MainScreen.MainScreenFirstScreen modify your routes like below,
Add default value,
data object MainScreen {
data class MainScreenFirstScreen(val id: Int= -1) // Added default value
The in your navgraph builder add constructor to ignore passing arguments startDestination = OwnerGraph.MainScreen.MainScreenFirstScreen()
fun NavGraphBuilder.mainScreenOwnerNavGraph(
navHostController: NavHostController,
) {
startDestination = OwnerGraph.MainScreen.MainScreenFirstScreen()
) {
composable<OwnerGraph.MainScreen.MainScreenFirstScreen> { navBackStackEntry ->
Text("Main Screen")