I'm making an r shiny application, based on a partially linear additive model. For this, I need to estimate some parameters, and I'm doing this from a function that acts in a practically recursive way until convergence occurs, and I'm having a problem in this function, where it needs to return more than one object (so, I made its output a list), but when I try to use it in the main program I can't extract the values, And so, I can't plot the chart I want.
Also, I tried using the reactlog package to see if I could get an idea if there were any errors in the reactive uses, but for some reason, it's not considering the inputs that are real values. Still, I used the browser() function and I know that all the code before calling the additive model.function is working normally.
Probably the function I created (the one that returns a list) is not relevant in fixing the problem, but I leave it below in case it can be important:
modelo.aditivo <- function(X,Y,Z,alfa,ndx,tipo.N = 1,it= 500, criterio = 1e-3){
n <- nrow(X) # número de observações
n_b <- ncol(X) # número de parâmetros beta
n_g <- ncol(Z) # número de parâmetros de vetor gamma
N <- list()
K <- list()
if(tipo.N == 1){
dados <- data.frame(Z)
ZZ<-smoothCon(s(x1,bs="cr",k=ndx[1]),data=dados, knots=NULL, absorb.cons=T)
ZZ2<-smoothCon(s(x2,bs="cr",k=ndx[2]),data=dados,knots=NULL, absorb.cons=T)
} else {
N1 <- ({bsplinec(Z[,1],ndx[1],4)})
Dk1 <- ({diff(diag(ncol(N1)),differences = 2)})
K1 <- ({t(Dk1)%*%Dk1})
N2 <- ({bsplinec(Z[,2],ndx[2],4)})
Dk <- ({diff(diag(ncol(N2)),differences = 2)})
K2 <- ({t(Dk)%*%Dk})
N <- list(N1,N2)
K <- list(K1,K2)
gamma0 <- list() # armazena espaço para os gammas iniciais
beta0 <- solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%Y # cálculo do chute inicial para beta
for(i in 1:n_g){
gamma0[[i]] <- solve(t(N[[i]])%*%N[[i]] + alfa[i]*K[[i]])%*%t(N[[i]])%*%(Y-X%*%beta0) # cálculo do chute inicial para os gammas
somatorio <- apply((sapply(1:n_g,FUN = function(i) N[[i]]%*%gamma0[[i]])),1,sum)
var0 <- as.numeric((t(Y-X%*%beta0-somatorio)%*%(Y-X%*%beta0-somatorio))/n)
theta0 <- matrix(c(beta0,unlist(gamma0),var0))
tams <- cumsum(c(length(beta0),lengths(gamma0),1))
val <- criterio*1.1
while((val > criterio)&&(it>0)){
it <- it - 1
somatorio <- apply((sapply(1:n_g,FUN = function(i) N[[i]]%*%gamma0[[i]])),1,sum)
beta0 <- solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%(Y-somatorio)
var0 <- as.numeric((t(Y-X%*%beta0-somatorio)%*%(Y-X%*%beta0-somatorio))/n)
for(i in 1:n_g){
soma <- apply((sapply(1:n_g,FUN = function(i) N[[i]]%*%gamma0[[i]])),1,sum) - N[[i]]%*%gamma0[[i]]
gamma0[[i]] <- solve(t(N[[i]])%*%N[[i]] + alfa[i]*var0*K[[i]])%*%t(N[[i]])%*%(Y-X%*%beta0-soma)
theta <- matrix(c(beta0,unlist(gamma0),var0))
val <- abs(lp(theta0,Y,X,N,K,alfa,tams)-lp(theta,Y,X,N,K,alfa,tams))
theta0 <- theta
list(par = theta,
N = N,
K = K,
tams = tams)
And the R shiny app is:
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Visualização dos alphas"),
sliderInput("alpha1", "Escolha um valor de alpha para a curva 1",
min = 0.0, max = 500.0, value = 1.0,step = 0.01,
animate =
animationOptions(interval = 50, loop = F)),
sliderInput("alpha2", "Escolha um valor de alpha para a curva 2",
min = 0.0, max = 500.0, value = 1.0,step = 0.01,
animate =
animationOptions(interval = 50, loop = F)),
numericInput("n.no1", "Escolha o número de nós para a curva 1",
min = 1, max = 1000, value = 12,step = 1),
numericInput("n.no2", "Escolha o número de nós para a curva 2",
min = 1, max = 1000, value = 12,step = 1),
numericInput("tamanho", "Defina a quantidade de valores gerados",
min = 20, max = 10000, value = 1000),
numericInput("variancia", "Defina a variancia",
min = 0.00001, max = 10.0, value = 0.1)
server <- function(input, output) {
n <- reactive({
v <- reactive({
x1 <- reactive({runif(n = n(), min = 0.6, max = 1.6)})
x2 <- reactive({runif(n = n(), min = 2, max = 4*pi)})
Z <- reactive({cbind(x1(),x2())})
f.x1 <- reactive({cos(-4*x1()*pi)*exp(-x1()^2/2)})
f.x2 <- reactive({cos(x2())})
x3 <- reactive({rexp(n()) - 2})
x4 <- reactive({rnorm(n()) - 5})
X <- reactive({cbind(x3(),x4())})
betas <- matrix(c(1,-2),ncol = 1)
mi <- reactive({X()%*%betas + f.x1() + f.x2()})
erros <- reactive({rnorm(n(),0,sqrt(v()))})
Y <- reactive({mi() + erros()})
ndx <- reactive({c(input$n.no1,input$n.no2)})
alfa <- reactive({c(input$alpha1,input$alpha2)})
o1 <- reactive({order(x1())})
o2 <- reactive({order(x2())})
resultado <- reactive({modelo.aditivo(X(), Y(), Z(), alfa(), ndx())})
theta <- reactive({resultado()$par})
N <- reactive({resultado()$N})
K <- reactive({resultado()$K})
tams <- reactive({resultado()$tams})
gamma1 <- reactive({theta()[(tams()[1]+1):tams()[2]]})
gamma2 <- reactive({theta()[(tams()[2]+1):tams()[3]]})
output$grafico1 <- renderPlot({
plot(x1()[o1()],f.x1()[o1()],type = "l",col = "blue", lwd = 2)
lines(x1()[o1()],resultado()$N[[1]][o1(),]%*%gamma1(), col = "red",lwd = 3)
output$grafico2 <- renderPlot({
plot(x2()[o2()],f.x2()[o2()],type = "l",col = "blue", lwd = 2)
lines(x2()[o2()],resultado()$N[[2]][o2(),]%*%gamma2(), col = "red",lwd = 3)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Finally, the error that has appeared is 'names' attribute [1] must be the same length as the vector [0], but I've tried several ways and I haven't been successful in solving it.
I'm a beginner in the use of r shiny and the forum, I apologize if the doubt or program has been confused and I thank you very much to anyone who has any tips or suggestions
When you create Z
in your server
function, you do not name the columns. Later, inside modelo.aditivo
the data.frame
call gives default names X1
and X2
. Since you were expecting the columns to be named x1
and x2
with lower case, you get an error about the names.
Either switch to
ZZ<-smoothCon(s(X1,bs="cr",k=ndx[1]),data=dados, knots=NULL, absorb.cons=T)
ZZ2<-smoothCon(s(X2,bs="cr",k=ndx[2]),data=dados,knots=NULL, absorb.cons=T)
or preferably name the columns when you create Z
Z <- reactive({cbind(x1 = x1(),x2 = x2())})
After fixing that problem, I now get an error
Warning: Error in lp: could not find function "lp"
I'm guessing this is from the lpSolve
package. After adding the appropriate library()
call, I get a different error the condition has length > 1
I don't really know what these functions are all about. But since you say that modelo.aditivo
works outside of Shiny, perhaps you should post some non-reactive fixed values for which the function gives a correct output.