I have a Google Sheet where all the users who play the wheel of fortune are copied.
In column E, for example, these values are copied from the database:
a:1:{i:0;s:12:"Half Price";}
I would like the script to extract only the prize won "Half Price" in column H, on the same line. If no win is made (as in E7) I can write NO WIN
I attach an image for clarity
For this part loop through each row to extract the prize text or "NO WIN"
const results = data.map(row => {
const prizeData = row[0];
if (prizeData === 'a:0:{}') {
return ['NO WIN'];
and for this one Regex to extract the prize text from the pattern a:1:{i:0;s:12:"Metà Prezzo";}
const match = prizeData.match(/s:\d+:\"([^\"]+)\"/);
const prize = match ? match[1] : null;
function myFunction() {
const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
const dataRange = sheet.getRange(2, 5, sheet.getLastRow() - 1);
const prizeColumn = sheet.getRange(2, 8, sheet.getLastRow() - 1);
const data = dataRange.getValues();
const results = data.map(row => {
const prizeData = row[0];
if (prizeData === 'a:0:{}') {
return ['NO WIN'];
const match = prizeData.match(/s:\d+:\"([^\"]+)\"/);
const prize = match ? match[1] : null;
if (prize === "Metà Prezzo" || prize === "NO WIN") {
return [prize];
} else {
return [''];
Sample Output
function in combination with LAMBDA
, IF
, and FIND
to process each value in a range of cells from E2
to E8
, check for specific conditions, and return corresponding values based on those conditions.
=BYROW(E2:E8, LAMBDA(r, IF(r = "a:0:{}", "No Win", IFERROR(IF(FIND("Metà Prezzo",r)>0,r,""),""))))