A little while ago I asked the question:
"How can I create separate install paths for Steam & Epic Games, selected by radio buttons, or a pathbox for custom install?", to which I got a great response by Martin Prikryl. Unfortunately though I ran into a little pickle due to my lack of clarifying what exactly I had planned UX-wise. I tried fixing it, but I just couldn't understand this tiny little section of his [Code
] that controlled the creation of the buttons.
The section from Martin's
SteamButton: TNewRadioButton;
EpicButton: TNewRadioButton;
CustomButton: TNewRadioButton;
function CreateButton(var Top: Integer): TNewRadioButton;
Result := TNewRadioButton.Create(WizardForm);
Result.Parent := WizardForm.DirEdit.Parent;
Result.Top := Top;
Result.Left := WizardForm.SelectDirBrowseLabel.Left;
Result.Width := Result.Parent.ClientWidth - Result.Left;
Result.OnClick := @DirButtonClick;
Top := Result.Top + Result.Height + ScaleY(24);
Can anyone explain how to separate the buttons, but not the path box?
Example of what was deisred shown here:
If you need different spacing after every radio button, move the spacing code out of the shared CreateButton
SteamButton := CreateButton();
SteamButton.Caption := '&Steam';
SteamButton.Enabled := DirExists(SteamDirName);
SteamButton.Top := WizardForm.SelectDirBrowseLabel.Top;
EpicButton := CreateButton();
EpicButton.Caption := '&Epic Games';
EpicButton.Enabled := DirExists(EpicDirName);
EpicButton.Top := SteamButton.Top + SteamButton.Height + ScaleY(24);
CustomButton := CreateButton();
CustomButton.Caption := '&Custom path:';
CustomButton.Top := EpicButton.Top + EpicButton.Height + ScaleY(24);
Top := CustomButton.Top + CustomButton.Height + ScaleY(8);
WizardForm.DirBrowseButton.Top :=
WizardForm.DirBrowseButton.Top + (Top - WizardForm.DirEdit.Top);
WizardForm.DirEdit.Top := Top;
And of course, remove all references to Top
from CreateButton
Another (easier-to-do) option is to make the ScaleY
parameter be a parameter of the CreateButton