I have a problem inserting a drop box choice list in a cell using the values of a predefined array. Array name is Local_Cell_ID_List
Here I got the unique values from sheet Arranged
set Arranged=thisworkbook.worksheets("Arranged_Data")
Dim f, addr$, g&
With Arranged
addr = .Name & "!$H$2:" & .[H1].End(xlDown).Address
End With
With Synthese_Global
f = Application.Evaluate("=LET(a," & addr & ",u,UNIQUE(a),HSTACK(u,XMATCH(u,a)))")
g = UBound(f, 1): .[A2].Resize(g, 2) = f
End With
so now I want to put the unique values i got now in worksheet Synthese_Global in range A2, i want them to be in choice list in cell B1 for which i tried
redim Local_Cell_ID_List(0 to Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row-1)
so after that I tried to insert the choice list as:
With Synthese_Global.Range("B1").Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=Local_Cell_ID_List"
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputTitle = ""
.ErrorTitle = ""
.InputMessage = ""
.ErrorMessage = ""
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
End With
but i have the error "Type mismatch" at line
Local_Cell_ID_List =Application.Transpose(Synthese_Global.Range("A2"))
This is from Microsoft
xlValidateList: Formula1 is required, Formula2 is ignored. Formula1 must contain either a comma-delimited list of values or a worksheet reference to this list.
According to this a workaround to generate a text string with the calculated values of the actual result, and set the Formula1
parameter to this string.
This is a sample code of it:
Sub validator()
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Dim a(), str
a = [a22:a24 * B22:B24] 'for simulate a result array
'Create string of actual values
For i = 1 To UBound(a)
If Len(str) = 0 Then
str = a(i, 1)
str = str & "," & a(i, 1)
End If
Next i
ws.Range("A32").Validation.Add xlValidateList, , , str
End Sub
Adapting to actual values:
Let assume that validation list is in column A.
The dropdown required in cell B1.
A |
List |
Value1 |
Value2 |
Value3 |
Value4 |
=HLookup(34,G5:L5,1,FALSE) |
Value5 |
Value6 |
Value7 |
Adapted code
Sub validator()
Set ws = ActiveSheet
Dim str As String
'Create string of actual values
ws.Range("B1") = Empty
For i = 2 To ws.Range("A2").End(xlDown).Row
If IsError(ws.Cells(i, 1)) Then 'ignore error values in the list. change to: If ws.Cells(i, 1)="N/A" Then
Else 'if it is real string
If Len(str) = 0 Then
str = ws.Cells(i, 1)
str = str & "," & ws.Cells(i, 1)
End If
End If
Next i
ws.Range("B1").Validation.Add xlValidateList, , , str
End Sub
Replace ws.Cells(i, 1)
with the desired calculation for the cell.
e.g. call a function process(ws.Cells(i, 1))
. Obviously in case of error input the process
function must handle the error and the valid data too.
Function process(b As Variant) As Variant
If IsError(b) Then process = b: Exit Function
process = "My " & b
End Function