
Plot variables from XML file in python

I have and XML file (please see attached).

I made a python script to try to obtain information from the XML to later do some plots.

The aim of this code is:

a. To iterate over the XML file to find the </event> and then </origin> and then <quality> to reach <azimuthalGap>348.000</azimuthalGap>

b. To save each azimutalGap in the gaps=[] variable

c. To plot an Histograms of azimutalGap.

So far I tried the code:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

def parse_azimuthal_gaps(xml_file):
    gaps = []

    # Parse the XML file
    tree = ET.parse(xml_file)
    root = tree.getroot()

    # Iterate through each event
    for event in root.findall(".//event"):
        origin = event.find(".//origin")
        if origin is not None:
            # Find the azimuthal gap (if present)
            azimuthal_gap = origin.find(".//quality/azimuthalGap")
            if azimuthal_gap is not None:
                gap_value = azimuthal_gap.text
                if gap_value is not None:
                    except ValueError:
                        continue  # Skip if not a valid float

    return gaps

# Parse azimuthal gaps from the ISC XML file
gaps = parse_azimuthal_gaps("SCB_earthquakes.xml")
print("Azimuthal Gaps:", gaps[:10])  # Print the first 10 gaps for inspection

But I always get empty gaps varible.

The input file has this format:

<event publicID="smi:ISC/evid=602401243">
    <text>Peru-Bolivia border region</text>
    <type>Flinn-Engdahl region</type>
    <text>Event reviewed by the ISC</text>
  <origin publicID="smi:ISC/origid=601808754">
    <depthType>operator assigned</depthType>
      <preferredDescription>uncertainty ellipse</preferredDescription>
    <arrival publicID="smi:ISC/pickid=637614753/hypid=601808754">
    <arrival publicID="smi:ISC/pickid=637614754/hypid=601808754">
  <pick publicID="smi:ISC/pickid=637614753">
    <waveformID networkCode="IR" stationCode="LPAZ"></waveformID>
  <pick publicID="smi:ISC/pickid=637614754">
    <waveformID networkCode="IR" stationCode="LPAZ"></waveformID>
  <magnitude publicID="smi:ISC/magid=602398394">

Will you have any idea to improve the code?



  • If you have a list of events, you can create the interested gaps list with root.findall().

    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
    root = ET.parse("your_file.xml").getroot()
    gaps = root.findall(".//azimuthalGap")
    print([x.text for x in gaps])


    ['353.000', '453.000', …]

    For the 3. point of your question, you will find a answer here.