
Is it possible to update a dependency of the updated dependencies?

When I run npm install in an Angular project I get these warnings:

npm WARN deprecated rimraf@2.7.1: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported   
npm WARN deprecated rimraf@3.0.2: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported

After running npm ls rimraf I get this information:

angularapp@3.0.0 C:\myfolder\angularapp
├─┬ @angular-devkit/build-angular@18.2.12
│ ├─┬ karma@6.4.4
│ │ └── rimraf@3.0.2
│ ├─┬ protractor@7.0.0
│ │ ├─┬ selenium-webdriver@3.6.0
│ │ │ └── rimraf@2.7.1 deduped
│ │ └─┬ webdriver-manager@12.1.9
│ │   ├─┬ del@2.2.2
│ │   │ └── rimraf@2.7.1 deduped
│ │   └── rimraf@2.7.1 deduped
│ └─┬ webpack-dev-server@5.0.4
│   └── rimraf@5.0.10
└─┬ karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter@3.0.3
  └─┬ istanbul-lib-source-maps@3.0.6
    └── rimraf@2.7.1

After running npm outdated I see that all my dependencies have "wanted" versions for Angular 18 which I use now so there is nothing to update.

Is it possible to remove this warning or update rimraf somehow?


  • No you can't, best you can do is raise a github issue on the project that has the issue del/selenium-webdriver/webdriver-manager/istanbul-lib-source-maps.

    I needs to be fixed on the source project, which end users do not have control over.