I'm working on a legacy project (angular 4, node 10.9). Unfortunately it won't get upgraded soon.
Is there a way to install the basic features of tailwind statically?
Either copy paste from somewhere or just build a minified CSS file (That wont be too big).
From what I'm reading the recommended option is from a CDN.
But I don't like it for several reasons, mainly that I don't have autocomplete options in my IDE, and it feels "hacky".
If you have a better idea \ experience, I'd love to hear.
So what I ended up doing was compiling down just the classes I needed. I'll write my findings in case it could help anyone.
it's possible to define regular expression that tells Tailwind what to compile anyway. I started another blank project with up to date node (v20).
So when I compiled ALL the classes, I got a css file of 22Mb.
This is the result file:
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
content: ['./index.html'],
theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [],
safelist: [{
// display 6.08 kB
pattern: /^(display|flex|grid|inline|block|contents|hidden|table|table-row|table-cell|flow-root|inline-block|inline-flex|inline-grid)/,
//position 1.00 kB
pattern: /^(static|fixed|absolute|relative|sticky)/,
// width and height 11.20 kB
pattern: /^(w-|h-|min-w-|min-h-|max-w-|max-h-)/,
// margins and paddings 26.23 kB
pattern: /^(-?)(m-|mt-|mr-|mb-|ml-|mx-|my-|p-|pt-|pr-|pb-|pl-|px-|py-)/,
// position 8.77 kB
pattern: /^(-?)(top|bottom|left|right)/,
// transition & animation 3.26 kB
pattern: /^(duration-|ease-|delay|transition-|animate)/,
// border and shadow (no colors) 5.02 kB
pattern: /^(border-\w(-\w)?$|shadow[\w-]{0,6}$)/,
// more display stuff 4.74 kB
pattern: /^(col-|row-|float|clear|overflow-)/,
//more stuff I needed 5.23 kB
pattern: /^(visible|invisible|hidden|z-|order-|cursor|rotate|opacity)/,
], };
I wrote the compiled size of CSS (before gzip compression) in the comments of each section.
56.79 kB │ gzip: 10.85 kB
and that is something I could live with.I intentionally did not include: colors, inset, ring, stroke, text, translate, scale, rotate, skew, outline, background and some other stuff.
Hop it will help someone if a similar need will arise