I've run into this a couple of times and haven't found any solutions, so hoping you can help. I have an unbound form with a combo box (cmbVariety) and two list boxes (lstItems and lstProductionYears). When a selection is made in cmbVariety, it sets the underlying rowsource query for lstItems. When an item in lstItems is selected, I want it to set the underlying rowsource of lstProductionYears based on the selection.
lstItems is and MUST be multi select: none. Cannot have the user select more than one line in the list.
so I've tried the code:
Private Sub lstItems_Click()
Dim i As Integer
With lstItems
For i = 0 To .ListCount - 1
If .selected(i) Then
YearsTable .Column(0, i) 'A routine for setting the rowsource for lstProductionYears based on the lstItems selection
End If
Next i
End With
End Sub
and the code:
Private Sub lstItems_Click()
Dim sel As Variant
With lstItems
Debug.Print .ItemsSelected.count 'results in 0 selected even when a line is clicked
For Each sel In .ItemsSelected
YearsTable .Column(0, sel) 'A routine for setting the rowsource for lstProductionYears based on the lstItems selection
Next sel
End With
End Sub
In neither case does the selection register. It works for double click, but I use that for something else. What am I missing? (Again - I know it's different with multi select, but that isn't an option)
You could simply try passing lstItems.Value
Private Sub lstItems_Click()
YearsTable lstItems.Value
End Sub