
NodeJS Graphviz - trying to add image as label throws Error code 1

I am attempting to use an image as a node in Graphviz. I am using the npm grapghviz project to do this. However, despite numerous tutorials stating that you can do it via the menthods I have outlined below, the .output function just throws an error, with simply the number 1 and no message.

I have attempted the following:

  const imagePath = path.join(__dirname, "myImage.png");
  g.addNode(node.Name, {
    shape: "record",
    label: `<f0> | <img src="${myImage}" width="100" height="100"/> | <f1>`, // Image in the record node
    style: "filled",
    fillcolor: "#FF5733", // Background color
    color: "#C70039",     // Border color
    penwidth: 2           // Border width

Using html like label with a table

  g.addNode(node.Name, {
    label: `<TABLE CELLSPACING="2" CELLPADDING="2" BORDER="0"><TR><TD><IMG SRC="${imagePath}"/></TD></TR></TABLE>>`,
    shape: "plaintext",

This works, but looks wonky without a table. Long text makes the node HUGE and the image small.

  g.addNode(node.Name, {
    label: "A Service",
    shape: "square",
    image: imagePath

Essentially, i'm trying to make nodes that look something like this.. but can't do it as it always throws Error 1 when outputting to either png or svg.

Graphviz Node Examples


  • So, in order to position the picture on the left side, as in your example, we will need to change the shape of the node to a rectangle and align the picture to the left side.

    To align the image we need the following node attributes:

    And there will be problems with imagepos, because when using this attribute in the code, the package will produce an error:

    DEBUG: Warning : Invalid attribut `imagepos' for a node
      return(quotedTypes.indexOf(attrs[data].type) !== -1);
    TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
        at mustBeQuoted (D:\yourproject\node_modules\graphviz\lib\deps\attributs.js:192:42)

    It does not understand this attribute (as mentioned in Issues on the package repo on GitHub).

    Fortunately, you can easily fixing this bug!
    To do this, edit the file \node_modules\graphviz\lib\deps\attributs.js by adding the following line:

    var attrs = {
      "imagepath" : { "usage" : "G", "type" : "string" },
      "imagepos" :  { "usage" : "N", "type" : "string" }, //👈 add this line

    Now imagepos is recognized correctly.


    const graphviz = require('graphviz');
    // Create digraph G
    var graph = graphviz.digraph("G");
    graph.addNode( "node name", {
      label: "A Service",
      shape: "box",
      image: "image.png",
      imagepos: "ml",
      imagescale: true,
      fixedsize: true,
      width: 3,
      height: 1,
    // Generate a PNG output
    graph.output( "png", "file.png" );

    Align image in node in Graphviz