I have a very simple progress bar component:
<script setup lang="ts">
defineProps<{ progress: number }>();
<div class="progress" role="progressbar" :aria-valuenow="progress" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100">
<div class="progress-bar" :style="{ 'width': progress + '%' }"></div>
I created these components dynamically using h
because I need to generate them and I intertwine them with other components in a single big elements.
I have something like that:
import ResultProgressLine from './ResultProgressLine.vue';
import { h, ref, type VNode } from 'vue';
const contentRows = ref<VNode[]>([]);
const contentProgress: Map<number, VNode> = new Map();
// create the component
contentProgress.set(id, h(
ResultProgressLine, {
"progress": 0
contentRows.value = contentRows.value.concat(contentProgress.get(id));
I then mount it like so:
<component v-for="row, index in contentRows" :key="index" :is="row"></component>
How can I then dynamically update the progress
props of the ResultProgressLine
Note: The <component>
binds heterogeneous components, so I do not think I can use pass the ref
What I tried so far:
instead of the value to the props in h
const progress = ref(0);
h(ResultProgressLine, { progress: progress });
// this almost works but does not re-render the component, so it only updates
// on the next "global" render
contentProgress.get(id)!.props.progress = 50;
I think you selected unconventional path to implement what you want. First your vnode should reactive which is not and using a reactive vnode is something unusual. Usually a reactive data is converted to vnodes and provided to Vue to check against existing vnodes and render. So in your case a row/line should be reactive. For contentRows I would recommend a shallow reactive array. I call it a shallow reactive array / reactive item design pattern:
<script setup>
import { h, reactive, shallowReactive } from 'vue';
import Comp from './Comp.vue';
const contentRows = shallowReactive([]);
const doClick = () => {
const row = reactive({progress: 0});
setTimeout(() => {
row.progress = 50;
}, 1000)
<button @click.prevent="doClick">Click</button>
<div class="content" ref="contentDiv" id="content-div">
<component :is="() => contentRows.map(row => h(Comp, row))" />