i have a table in sqlite database:
sqlite>.schema mmdb_csv
CREATE TABLE mmdb_csv (
cidr TEXT,
asn TEXT
I have uploaded a csv file with the following structure to this table:
cidr, asn,autonomous_system_organization,isp,organization
sqlite>.mode csv
sqlite>.import /home/igor/go/src/universal_blocklist_service2/mmdb-csv.csv mmdb_csv
Also i have this code in my progarmm:
str := fmt.Sprint("SELECT cidr FROM ", conf.SQLiteASN2CIDR, " WHERE asn=?;")
w.FindCidrsStmt, err = w.DBase.Prepare(str)
if err != nil {
w.log.Fatal().Msgs(err, " from NewRepairStruct()")
data, err := w.FindCidrsStmt.Query(asn)
if err != nil {
w.log.Error().Msgs(err, " from getCIDRs() 1, asn=", asn)
return nil
And I get following log:
"SQL logic error: no such column: cidr (1) from getCIDRs() 1, asn=59711"
But when I make an SQL query from the terminal, everything works as it should:
sqlite> select cidr from mmdb_csv where asn=59711 limit 10;
Why do i get this log message?:
"SQL logic error: no such column: cidr (1) from getCIDRs() 1, asn=59711"
When i add quotes around cidr in statement preparation i get no error logs, but there are no rows in data:
str := fmt.Sprint("SELECT \"cidr\" FROM ", conf.SQLiteASN2CIDR, " WHERE \"asn\"=?;")
w.FindCidrsStmt, err = w.DBase.Prepare(str)
if err != nil {
w.log.Fatal().Msgs(err, " from NewRepairStruct()")
data, err := w.FindCidrsStmt.Query(asn)
if err != nil {
w.log.Error().Msgs(err, " from getCIDRs() 1, asn=", asn)
return nil
data here has no rows, and
for data.Next() {
is not being executed
I think your function is cleared, so I suspect that you didn't input the database name when initialized the connection or maybe it's calling to another DB because the DB Name is inputted with another value.