
Nested Scrolling with collapsible header not working

I have been trying to collapse/expand a header when lazy column list scroll up or down using nested scrolling. I have been using following code

fun ScrollableScreenWithCollapsibleHeader() {
val headerHeight = 150.dp // Initial header height
var headerOffset by remember { mutableStateOf(0f) }
val nestedScrollConnection = remember {
    object : NestedScrollConnection {
        override fun onPreScroll(available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource): Offset {
            val delta = available.y
            val newOffset = headerOffset + delta
            headerOffset = newOffset.coerceIn(0f, headerHeight.value)
            return Offset(x = 0f, y = newOffset - headerOffset)

Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()) {
        modifier = Modifier
            .padding(top = headerHeight) // Add padding for the header
    ) {
        items(items) { item ->
            Text(item, modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp))

        modifier = Modifier
            .offset { IntOffset(x = 0, y = headerOffset.toInt()) }

fun MyHeader(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
// ... Your header content here ...
Box(modifier = modifier.background(Color.LightGray)) {
    Text("Header", modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp))

But list is not even scrolling, other than collapsing or expanding header. What i am doing wrong


  • There are a few issues in your code:

    I would suggest the following refactored code:

    fun ScrollableScreenWithCollapsibleHeader() {
        val density = LocalDensity.current
        var minHeaderHeightPx by remember { mutableFloatStateOf(-1f) }
        var maxHeaderHeightPx by remember { mutableFloatStateOf(-1f) }
        var currentHeaderHeightPx by remember { mutableFloatStateOf(0f) }
        val nestedScrollConnection = remember {
            object : NestedScrollConnection {
                override fun onPreScroll(available: Offset, source: NestedScrollSource): Offset {
                    val delta = available.y
                    val newHeaderHeightPx = currentHeaderHeightPx + delta
                    currentHeaderHeightPx = newHeaderHeightPx.coerceIn(minHeaderHeightPx, maxHeaderHeightPx)
                    val unconsumedPx = newHeaderHeightPx - currentHeaderHeightPx
                    return Offset(x = 0f, y = delta - unconsumedPx)
            modifier = Modifier
        ) {
                modifier = if (maxHeaderHeightPx == -1f) {
                    Modifier.onGloballyPositioned { coordinates ->
                        currentHeaderHeightPx = coordinates.size.height.toFloat()
                        maxHeaderHeightPx = coordinates.size.height.toFloat()
                        minHeaderHeightPx = maxHeaderHeightPx / 2  // set min height to 50% of full height
                } else {
                modifier = Modifier
            ) {
                items(50) { item ->
                    Text("Item $item", modifier = Modifier.padding(16.dp))
    fun MyHeader(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
            modifier = modifier
                .wrapContentHeight(unbounded = true, align = Alignment.Bottom),
        ) {
            Text("Header A", fontSize = 35.sp)
            Text("Header B", fontSize = 35.sp)
    fun Int.pxToDp(density: Density) = with(density) { this@pxToDp.toDp() }

    This code does the following things:


    Screen Recording