I am working on design system in SCSS and struggling to setup themes. I have so far achieved a lot with help of one answer on this platform but need some further assistance.
I have created a mixin for theme based on this answer which is using this article
@mixin theme($category, $token, $property, $state: false) {
@each $theme-name, $theme-map in $themes {
$value: getthemevalue($category, $token, $theme-name);
@at-root .#{$theme-name} #{&} {
#{$property}: #{map-get($color-tokens, $value)};
Now, this is working so great for a lot of cases just one case is still not being handled.
.header {
h2, label {
@include mixin(...)
the compiled css generated is
.light-mode .header h2, .header label {color: ...}
What I want is
.light-mode .header h2, .light-mode .header label {color: ...)
for all the selectors, it should make the theme as parent But this is not being done.
I have found a solution to this. Instead of add & in braces block, it needs to be added without it then it works as expected.
@mixin theme($category, $token, $property, $state: false) {
@each $theme-name, $theme-map in $themes {
$value: getthemevalue($category, $token, $theme-name);
@at-root {
.#{$theme-name} & {
#{$property}: #{map-get($color-tokens, $value)};