I'm trying to create a function that run some commands in terminal and I want it to show the output of terminal in a new split window. I'm using Neovim, (and spacevim).
function Gpt(prompt)
" Get the full path of the current buffer
let file = expand('%:p')
" Open a vertical split with a terminal
split new
wincmd k " Focus the newly opened window
setlocal nobuflisted
" setlocal bufhidden=wipe
setlocal noswapfile
call termopen('echo ' . a:prompt . ' | cat - ' . file . ' | tgpt')
the problem is the window that has the output will be immediately closed if you press any keys! unless you click on it with your mouse.
with stopinsert
instead of startinsert
, the problem will be solved temporarily, but if I try to go back to the terminal buffer again, it will be closed.
Using system()
instead of termopen()
make us to store our output inside a variable. later with the use of call setline(1, split(trim(output), "\n"))
I can put the value of my variable into the current buffer(that I created newly using split new). problem solved and now it's fully functional.
function Gpt(prompt)
" Get the full path of the current buffer
let file = expand('%:p')
split new
resize 12 " Adjust the window height to 10 lines
setlocal nobuflisted
setlocal bufhidden=wipe
setlocal buftype=nofile
setlocal noswapfile
setlocal filetype=markdown
setlocal wrap " Enable line wrapping
syntax on
let output = system('echo "' . a:prompt . '" | cat - ' . file . ' | tgpt')
let charsToRemove = ['⣾', '⣽', '⣻', '⢿', '⡿', '⣟', '⣯', '⣷', '
', " Loading"]
for theChar in charsToRemove
let output = substitute(output, theChar, '', 'g')
call setline(1, split(trim(output), "\n"))