
Is it possible to connect to a SMTP server through proxy?

I'm attempting to connect to SMTP servers through proxies to validate emails.

I've looked into http-proxy-agent, but as I understand, proxies cannot be used with a TCP connection?

My current connection setup:

const client = net.createConnection(25, mxServer, () => {
                client.write("MAIL FROM:<email_address>\r\n");
                client.write(`RCPT TO:<${email}>\r\n`);


  • You should use SOCKS protocol for SMTP connections rather than HTTP proxies since SOCKS work at TCP level. The following is a solution using Node.js with the SOCKS package:

    const SocksClient = require('socks').SocksClient;
    const net = require('net');
    async function validateEmailThroughProxy(email, mxServer) {
        const socksOptions = {
            proxy: {
                host: '', // Your SOCKS proxy host
                port: 1080,               // SOCKS proxy port
                type: 5                   // SOCKS5
            command: 'connect',
            destination: {
                host: mxServer,
                port: 25
        try {
            const info = await SocksClient.createConnection(socksOptions);
            const socket = info.socket;
            // Set encoding for the responses
            // Handle responses
            socket.on('data', (data) => {
                console.log('Received:', data);
            // Send SMTP commands
            socket.write(`MAIL FROM:<>\r\n`);
            socket.write(`RCPT TO:<${email}>\r\n`);
            // Don't forget to handle closing
            socket.on('close', () => {
                console.log('Connection closed');
        } catch (err) {
            console.error('Error:', err);

    Note the following:

    Try the above and see if it solves the problem :-)