Currently I have a Lua-driven system with C functions connected. When it is built from source, it is constructed as below:
// bind C functions to make them callable inside Lua code
lua_pushlightuserdata(lua, some_cxx_object);
lua_pushcclosure(lua, global_function_foo, 1);
lua_setglobal(lua, "foo");
lua_pushcclosure(lua, global_function_bar, 0);
lua_setglobal(lua, "bar");
...... many more bindings ......
// compile Lua source code
auto re = luaL_loadbufferx( guts->lua, source, source_len, nullptr, nullptr );
if (re != LUA_OK)
// use the prepared Lua system
Now I want to use precompiled binaries to improve system init speed. My question is: how does lua_dump
work with those C closure globals? Specifically:
When I'm going to compile & dump, should I bind C functions before compile?
No, just like how you can run luac to compile a single lua script.
When I'm going to use the precompiled binary, do I need to bind C functions again, before loading the binary?
Yes, but not before loading, but before running, so the only difference is that you can save compilation time.