
Add filter to aggregation function in go redis

I'm trying to use go-redis to calculate the sum of the field duration across entries in a redis database. I'm able to sum the entries if I use all the entries, but I want to filter out entries that has a timestamp within a certain range and can't find any good examples of how to do it.

How do I filter out what entries to aggregate in go-redis based on a timestamp field and a timerange?

    aggOptions := redis.FTAggregateOptions{
        GroupBy: []redis.FTAggregateGroupBy{
                Filter: "", <---- I guess a filter should be inserted here, but how? 
                Fields: []interface{}{"@ID"},
                Reduce: []redis.FTAggregateReducer{
                        Reducer: redis.SearchSum,
                        Args:    []interface{}{"@duration"},
                        As:      "sum",
    aggResult, err := store.rdb.FTAggregateWithArgs(


  • You can specify a filter as follows.

    options := &redis.FTAggregateOptions{Filter: "@name=='foo' && @age < 20", DialectVersion: dlc}
    res, err := client.FTAggregateWithArgs(ctx, "idx1", "*", options).Result()

    Find more examples here.

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