I’m working on optimizing my GitHub Actions pipeline. One of the steps involves retrieving the latest tag from my Git repository.
Initially, I used the following commands to fetch the latest tag:
git fetch --prune --unshallow --tags
TAG=$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0) # Find the latest tag
This worked but git fecth
took a lot of time because the repository is quite large, so I decided to optimize it by replacing it with:
git ls-remote --tags --sort=committerdate | grep -o 'v.*' | sort -r | head -1
This worked perfectly on my local machine, but in the CI/CD environment, I encountered this error:
fatal: missing object <object-id> for refs/tags/<tag-name>
The error persisted even after I deleted the problematic tag from the remote repository. However, when I added the following step to fetch and prune the tags before running git ls-remote, the issue disappeared:
git fetch --tags --prune
git ls-remote --tags --sort=committerdate | grep -o 'v.*' | sort -r | head -1
Sorting happens locally, not at the remote side.
The documentation clearly states:
[...] but be aware keys like
that require access to the objects themselves will not work for refs whose objects have not yet been fetched from the remote, and will give amissing object
So, obviously it is necessary to fetch the objects first in order to be able to sort by committerdate