I have a java program and I'm using jacoco to do coverage analysis. Now I encounter a problem that jacoco treat the line throwing out an exception as unexecuted. For example in the following program:
public static Number createNumber(final String str) throws NumberFormatException {
if (str == null) {
return null;
if (StringUtils.isBlank(str)) {
throw new NumberFormatException("A blank string is not a valid number");
final String[] hex_prefixes = {"0x", "0X", "-0x", "-0X", "#", "-#"};
int pfxLen = 0;
for(final String pfx : hex_prefixes) {
if (str.startsWith(pfx)) {
pfxLen += pfx.length();
if (pfxLen > 0) { // we have a hex number
final int hexDigits = str.length() - pfxLen;
if (hexDigits > 16) {
return createBigInteger(str);
if (hexDigits > 8) {
return createLong(str);
return createInteger(str); // this line would throw out an exception
throw out an exception. So the report of jacoco looks like this: jacoco_report_of_a_failed_program
What I want is like this: expected_jacoco_report_of_a_failed_program
I have tried to surround the code with try/catch like following but the result unchanged.
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error: " + e);
Edit: I'm using java11 and jacoco 0.8.12
This is a known issue. See https://github.com/jacoco/eclemma/issues/61
This issue is marked as "won't fix". It is a limitation caused by how JaCoCo works, using probes.