I have a team who all work collaboratively on Excel files on Windows machines. We are on a domain but cannot use OneDrive to work collaboratively.
To help keep track of edits I have written some VBA to record a timestamp and current user on each save (below).
returns their Windows Username, which is something like ID1234. I know that all users are configured to have a Full Name like (Company) Flash Steel associated with their user account.
The Full Name is much more useful for record keeping.
I have used a previous answer calling 'net user' in CMD.exe and parsing the SDTOUT. This works but I was hoping for something more elegant and hopefully called natively in VBA.
' When saving, append the user ID and timestamp
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Worksheets("Front Cover").Range(nextTimestampCell).Value = Format(Now(), "yy/mm/dd - HH:nn:ss")
' Build string for command
cMDcommand = "cmd /c net user """ & Environ("Username") & """ /DOMAIN | find /I ""Full name"""
' Execute command and read top line
result = Trim(CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Exec(cMDcommand).StdOut.readline)
' Trim result and output User
Worksheets("Front Cover").Range(nextUserCell).Value = Right(result, Len(result) - 29)
End Sub
Since you're working in Excel, perhaps use Application.UserName
Worksheets("Front Cover").Range(nextUserCell).Value = Application.UserName