
Demystify numpy indexing/slicing

could you please help demystify the following numpy indexing/slicing behaviours? Thanks!

arr = np.arange(60).reshape(3,4,5)
print(arr[2, :, 4])     #1

print(arr[[2], :, 4])   #2
print(arr[2, :, [4]])   #3
print(arr[[2], :, [4]]) #4
[44 49 54 59]
[[44 49 54 59]]
[[44 49 54 59]]
[[44 49 54 59]]

#1 is comprehensible whereas #2,#3,#4 are really confusing for me when it comes to the shape of results ((1,4) arrays). More specifically, when would inner [] impact dimensions of resulting array?

A trickier example:

arr = np.arange(120).reshape(4,6,5)
arr[[1,3], :3, [4,2]]
array([[ 34,  39,  44],
       [ 92,  97, 102]])


  • In [118]: arr = np.arange(60).reshape(3,4,5)

    Your first example is the straightforward basic indexing, with a 2 scalar indices and slice. The result is a view, and the shape is that of the 2nd dimension, (4,):

    In [119]: arr[2, :, 4]
    Out[119]: array([44, 49, 54, 59])

    Same thing, but a copy, when using an array/list instead of the slice:

    In [120]: arr[2, [0,1,2,3], 4]
    Out[120]: array([44, 49, 54, 59])

    If I provide size 1 lists (arrays) for all indices, the result is (1,):

    In [121]: arr[[2], [0], [4]]
    Out[121]: array([44])

    Same if one or more is a scalar:

    In [122]: arr[[2], [0], 4]
    Out[122]: array([44])

    With size 1 lists instead of the scalars, the same (4,) shape - because (1,) broadcasts with (4,):

    In [123]: arr[[2], [0,1,2,3], [4]]
    Out[123]: array([44, 49, 54, 59])

    But if there is slice in the middle, the shape is (1,4):

    In [124]: arr[[2], :, [4]]
    Out[124]: array([[44, 49, 54, 59]])

    same if one those is a scalar:

    In [125]: arr[2, :, [4]]
    Out[125]: array([[44, 49, 54, 59]])

    If I move the [2] out, I get a (4,1) array:

    In [126]: arr[2][ :, [4]]

    The 2 selects the first plane, the 4 comes from the slice, and 1 from the last dimesion.

    Generalizing [125] so the last dimension is 2, the result is (2,4).

    In [127]: arr[2, :, [1,4]]
    array([[41, 46, 51, 56],
           [44, 49, 54, 59]])

    Both this and [125] are examples where the slice is in the middle, and its dimension is tacked on the end, after the dimensions produced by advanced indexing.

    As I commented this has come up periodically for many years.

    Without a 'slice in the middle', we get the expected shape - (3,4) from the slices, (1,) from the advanced index:

    In [130]: arr[:, :, [4]].shape
    Out[130]: (3, 4, 1)

    This is a copy of arr, but it is actually a view, a transpose, of a (1,3,4) base:

    In [131]: arr[:, :, [4]].base.shape
    Out[131]: (1, 3, 4)

    As in the 'slice in the middle' cases, the advanced indexing dimension is first, and the slices are 'tacked' on. But in this case it can transpose it to the desired shape. It's an implementation detail that usually is ignored.