I have a small problem with my Excel project and I can't find way how to make it true.
Current formula:
=INDEX(A2:A51; MATCH(LARGE(Value(Iferror(REGEXEXTRACT(split(C2:C51; "-"); "[0-9]+"))); 1) C2:C51; 0))
I want to get names from A column, but I want get the 3 biggest numbers, for example 7 or 13 from C column. If it is text, I want to get 0.
Changes many codes and still get errors.
edit: this is demo https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vCvMjs28adVSmy80p4BqHokr_PUMxDupalSfLwXGhMk/edit?gid=2100307022#gid=2100307022
You can try this formula:
=LET(x; SORT(FILTER(A2:F7;C2:C7 <> "No Progress");3;TRUE); y; BYROW(CHOOSECOLS(x;3); LAMBDA(r;SPLIT(r;" "))); CHOOSECOLS(CHOOSEROWS(SORT(HSTACK(x;y);8;FALSE);{1;2;3});{1;3}))
Sample Output: