I am not able to use a variable declared in a cypress method, within a step definition, outside that Cypress method, within the same step definition.
This is my scenario:
Scenario: Transfer totals verification
Given I launch the application using the url
And I click the 'Sign In' button
And I enter the username 'bbfel@gmail.com'
And I enter the password '55555'
And I click the 'Continue' button
When I navigate to the 'Track Transfers' page
Then the total amount sent to '<To country>' is '<Total amount sent>'
| To country | Total amount sent |
| United Kingdom | 55555 |
The step definition:
I am trying to use the variables (toCountryCount
, eachTransferAmount
, amountSentTotal
), in the for loop. However, the variable contents are not even displayed in the cy.log()
methods that come before the loop.
Then('the total amount sent to {string} is {string}', (toCountry, amountSent) => {
let toCountryCount
let eachTransferAmount
let amountSentTotal
cy.get('.TrackingTable tr td:nth-of-type(5):visible:contains("' + toCountry + '")').its('length').then(count => {
toCountryCount = count
cy.log(toCountryCount) //variable content displayed correctly
trackTransfersPageObj.sendingTo.contains(toCountry).next('td').then(amount => {
eachTransferAmount = amount.text().replace('£', '').replace('N', '')
cy.log(eachTransferAmount) //variable content displayed correctly
cy.log(toCountryCount) //not working, variable content not displayed
cy.log(eachTransferAmount) //not working, variable content not displayed
for (let i = 0; i < toCountryCount; i++) {
amountSentTotal += parseInt(eachTransferAmount)
the problem with your code is that it uses cy-commands together with synchronous statements. Cy-commands get queued and run at a unpredictable moment.
The solution is to pass the value of toCountryCount to a then of the cy-command that and put the calculation (the for statement) in the .then().