Given a data frame such as the following:
dat <- data.frame(
plotType = c("RP", "FP"),
turbType = c("3;8", "5;7"),
turbSize = c(2.4, "3.6;4.2"),
estimate = c(0.1, 0.5)
I need to call tidyr::separate_longer_delim recursively for each column in:
strat <- c('turbType', 'turbSize')
This for loop achieves my goal but I was wondering if there was a purrr solution? Maybe with reduce()?
for(i in seq(length(strat))) {
dat <- tidyr::separate_longer_delim(dat, dplyr::all_of(strat[i]), delim = ";")
Thank you.
1) Using Reduce
f <- function(x, y) separate_longer_delim(x, all_of(y), delim = ";")
Reduce(f, strat, init = dat)
2) or with purrr and f
from above:
reduce(strat, f, .init = dat)