I have an animal movement dataset ("data") that looks like this:
ID Time x y u v
A 2008-02-01 12:00:00 9155834.12606686 -1085858.899 -0.248678702 0.244811689
A 2008-02-02 12:00:00 9156464.06545883 -1085782.058 -0.251412658 0.247100772
A 2008-02-03 12:00:00 9156466.83719953 -1085785.249 -0.251420536 0.247112624
A 2008-02-04 12:00:00 9160775.91409932 -1083780.819 -0.273312639 0.262021876
I am using the following function code in R studio to process this data:
bear_move <- function(data)
#make sure data is ordered properly
data <- data[order(data$ID, data$time),]
#identify last locations for each bear
last_locs <- c(which(data$ID[-1] != data$ID[-nrow(data)]), nrow(data))
## start point of step
start <- as.matrix(data[,c("x", "y")])
#end point of step
end <- rbind(as.matrix(start[-1,]), NA)
#difference in time between steps (first to NEXT location)
dt <- c(as.numeric(difftime(data$time[2:nrow(data)],data$time[1:nrow(data)-1], units="hours")), NA)
#u and v components of ice drift
uv <- as.matrix(data[,c("u", "v")])
## calculate change in x,y abd u,v
delta_xy <- end - start
delta_uv <- uv*dt
#initialize matrix for bear movement
delta_bear <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(delta_xy), ncol=2)
# idenitify which u/v estimates are NA
notNA <- which(!is.na(delta_uv))
#bear move = x-u and y-v
delta_bear[notNA] <- delta_xy[notNA] - delta_uv[notNA]
# bear move == delta_xy for NA estimates
delta_bear[-notNA] <- delta_xy[-notNA]
#calculate bear movement with Pythagorean Theorem
bear_move <- sqrt(rowSums(delta_bear^2))
#put NA for last step for each bear
bear_move[last_locs] <- NA
This function should create a new column in my dataset called bear_move. However, when I try to activate the function using the line bear_move(data)
, I get the following error message:
Error in end - start : non-numeric argument to binary operator
I'm not sure what this error is due to. Any ideas on how to fix this?
From your dataset you need to remove the non numeric input, like date and ID you need to transform the ID column otherwise your dataset is fine and your function will work as there is no missing/NA value in your dataset, all data inputs in your dataset are also current
check the datatypes by following commands:
these functions will inspect the data types of your dataset variables
Here you can easily ensure that they are not numeric or integer. which is true as I have explained above, so convert them and again run the code it will work
to convert the variables you can use the following methods
end<- as.numeric(end)
I hope it will help you cheers :)