
Scala 3 - Reflection API - type Definition is not a member of reflect

I am currently studying Scala Multi Stage Programming from this book Scalable Metaprogramming in Scala 3, taken from the author website

This question is about the last snippet, the one given at page 151 related to the Reflection API.

   class memoize extends MacroAnnotation:
    override def transform(using Quotes)(tree: quotes.reflect.Definition): List[quotes.reflect.Definition] =
      import quotes.reflect._
      tree match
        case DefDef(name, params@List(TermParamClause(List(param))), tpt, Some(impl)) =>
      (Ref(param.symbol).asExpr, impl.asExpr) match
        case ('{ $paramRef: arg }, '{ $implExpr: res }) =>
      val cacheSymbol = Symbol.newVal(tree.symbol.owner, name + "Cache"
        TypeRepr.of[Map[arg, res]], Flags.EmptyFlags, Symbol.noSymbol)
      val fibCacheRef = Ref(cacheSymbol).asExprOf[Map[arg, res]]
      val cacheVal = ValDef(cacheSymbol, Some('{ Map.empty[arg, res] }.asTerm))
      val newDef = DefDef.copy(tree)(name, params, tpt, Some(
          if !$fibCacheRef.contains($paramRef) then
            $fibCacheRef($paramRef) = $implExpr
      case _ => List(cacheVal, newDef)
      report.errorAndAbort("expected a`def` with a single parameter list")

I can't get the compiler past the function argument that is declared with Definition type. I've also tried using the import scheme given at the first snippet at

resulting in

import scala.quoted.*

object Main {
 class memoize extends MacroAnnotation {
    override def transform(using Quotes)(tree: reflect.Definition): List[reflect.Definition] = {
       import quoted.quotes.reflect.*

but the compiler complains with

[error] 10 | override def transform(using Quotes)(tree: reflect.Definition): List[reflect.Definition] = {
[error] |                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error] | type Definition is not a member of reflect

Any clue or advice?

I am currently pointing the finger at scala2.13 retrocompatibility which misses this functionality. Still haven't found my way out.

Have a great evening, I hope this message won't catch you in your busiest moment.



  • reflect module is part of quotes: Quotes value, which is usually imported inside a method:

    // named Quotes instance
    def macroMethod(arguments)(using quoted: Quotes): Result = {
      import quoted.* // reflect et all
    // anonymous Quotes instance
    def macroMethod(arguments)(using Quotes): Result = {
      // uses:
      // transparent inline def quotes(using q: Quotes): q.type = q
      import quotes.* // reflect et all

    To make it available in the signature of a macro annotation, which uses reflect.Definition, you have to use named Quoted instance, and then a path-dependent type:

    import scala.annotation.experimental
    class memoize extends MacroAnnotation {
      override def transform(using q: Quotes)(
          tree: q.reflect.Definition // <- q. prefix needed
      ): List[q.reflect.Definition] = { // <- q. prefix needed
        import q.* // from here on, q. prefix is no lonfer needed