i need to change various images in one div, but i want that, between image and image, 1s delay. I need to set a delay between percentages in keyframes
here my code
background-size: contain;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
cursor: pointer;
transition: 500ms;
animation: imgChanger 3s linear infinite;
width: 500px;
height: 300px;
@keyframes imgChanger {
background-image: url(Images/superblog/superblog1.png);
background-image: url(Images/superblog/superblog2.png);
background-image: url(Images/superblog/superblog3.png);
how can i achieve that? thanks!!!!
You can add percentages in one frame so it stays the same image. And increase the time of the animation to match the 2s display
.imgWrapper {
animation: imgChanger 6s linear infinite;
@keyframes imgChanger {
0%, 16.66% {
background-image: url('Images/superblog/superblog1.png');
33.33%, 49.99% {
background-image: url('Images/superblog/superblog2.png');
66.66%, 83.33% {
background-image: url('Images/superblog/superblog3.png');
100% {
background-image: url('Images/superblog/superblog1.png');