We created an address group at the organization level using the following command:
# create address group
gcloud network-security org-address-groups create trusted-ips \
--organization my-organization \
--type IPv4 \
--capacity 100 \
--location global \
--description List of trusted IPs
# add IPs to the address group
gcloud network-security org-address-groups add-items trusted-ips \
--organization my-organization \
--items \
--location global
The commands finished successfully. Then, we used this address group in the firewall policy rule, which is also visible on the GUI:
Is there an option to see the details of trusted-ips
(list of IP addresses) somewhere on the GUI? There exists a CLI command (gcloud network-security org-address-groups list
), but we are intererested in being able to see it in the web console.
As of writing this answer, Google team has implemented a way to see "address group" details. There is now a link:
New page is opened which shows which IPs are allowed: