We are trying to convert the delta into adx in which we have delta column double type and data in it is "1.7976931348623157E308" which is double max value, and using copy activity we need to put this data into adx kusto, in kusto the values is "infinity", want to know the reason behind and how to tackle this.
but adding the value directly in kusto via ingestion works fine. strange...
data type for floating-point numbers, which corresponds to a 64-bit IEEE 754 format. The real
type in ADX has a smaller range than the maximum value of a double in Delta.infinity
, following IEEE 754 standards for handling overflow.
That may be the reason to get infinity
value while copying data as shown below:To copy your double column value as it is you use data flow instead of copy activity.
as-is without triggering the overflow mechanism.Add your delta table as source and ADX database as sink in your dataflow, create pipeline with dataflow activity, select created dataflow, after dataflow debug you will be able copy the data as it is.
| project <columnName>
For more information you can refer to the MS document.