I created a enterprise application and add a SAML as a Single Sign-On option.
When i click the button to Test the app, the authentication works, but i cannot get the Token.
My response URL (flask endpoint):
def response():
data = {}
if request.is_json:
data['json'] = request.get_json()
if request.form:
data['form'] = request.form.to_dict()
if request.args:
data['args'] = request.args.to_dict()
if request.data:
data['data'] = request.data.decode('utf-8')
return jsonify(data), 200
The code shows on screen all parameters received.
The Token supposed to be posted on /response, but the result is an empty curly brackets {}
Just do not use pinggy.io to test SSO authentication, use pythonanywhere or any other deploy tool