I followed the steps mentioned in the following documents to install a fresh Couchbase cluster on Kubernetes:
I have installed kubernetes operator v 2.7 on my Kubernetes cluster v 1.28.1. The commands to install the custom resource definitions, operator and admission controller succeed.
When I run kubectl apply -f couchbase-cluster.yaml
it gives me the following error:
secret/cb-example-auth created
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "couchbase-cluster.yaml": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "release-1-couchbase-admission-controller.couchbase.svc": failed to call webhook: Post "https://release-1-couchbase-admission-controller.couchbase.svc:443/couchbaseclusters/validate?timeout=10s": service "release-1-couchbase-admission-controller" not found
Error from server (InternalError): error when creating "couchbase-cluster.yaml": Internal error occurred: failed calling webhook "release-1-couchbase-admission-controller.couchbase.svc": failed to call webhook: Post "https://release-1-couchbase-admission-controller.couchbase.svc:443/couchbaseclusters/validate?timeout=10s": service "release-1-couchbase-admission-controller" not found
These are the actual services created by cao:
couchbase-operator ClusterIP xx.xx.xx.xx <none> 8080/TCP,8383/TCP 19m
couchbase-operator-admission ClusterIP xx.xx.xx.xx <none> 443/TCP 19m
It seems while creating the cluster, Couchbase is looking for a different service name for the operator and admission controller than what was actually installed by cao. How can I solve this issue?
This looks to be a remnant of a previous installation that was not properly removed. You need to check your ValidatingWebhookConfigurations and remove the one named in the error message.
By extension, I imagine the service related to that Webhook is also present, and likely just the deployment was deleted. I would recommend using the cao delete x
to remove all associated resources with a deployment.