I'm trying to modify the text color output of this awesome script.
I just want the text for Critical Red background cells to be white.
What am I doing wrong here?
If I get flamed for posting huge glob of code, I totally understand.
I've tried earnestly to update this but I'm horrific at coding.
# Set your warning and critical thresholds
$percentWarning = 90; #wildly increased for testing critical threshold
$percentCritcal = 95; #wildly increased for testing
# Path to the report
$reportPath = "C:\scripts\diskspace\Report\";
# Report name
$reportName = "DiskSpaceRpt_$(get-date -format ddMMyyyy).html";
# Path and Report name together
$diskReport = $reportPath + $reportName
#Set colors for table cell backgrounds
$redColor = "#FF0000"
$orangeColor = "#FBB917"
$FontColor = "#000000"
$fontcolorwhite = "#FFFFFF"
# Count if any computers have low disk space. Do not send report if less than 1.
$i = 0;
# Get computer list to check disk space
$computers = Get-Content "C:\scripts\diskspace\servers.txt";
$datetime = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_HHmmss";
# Remove the report if it has already been run today so it does not append to the existing report
If (Test-Path $diskReport)
Remove-Item $diskReport
# Cleanup old files..
$Daysback = "-7"
$CurrentDate = Get-Date;
$DateToDelete = $CurrentDate.AddDays($Daysback);
Get-ChildItem $reportPath | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $DatetoDelete } | Remove-Item;
# Create and write HTML Header of report
$titleDate = get-date -uformat "%m-%d-%Y - %A"
$header = "
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=iso-8859-1'>
<title>DiskSpace Report</title>
<STYLE TYPE='text/css'>
td {
font-family: Tahoma;
font-size: 11px;
border-top: 1px solid #999999;
border-right: 1px solid #999999;
border-bottom: 1px solid #999999;
border-left: 1px solid #999999;
padding-top: 0px;
padding-right: 0px;
padding-bottom: 0px;
padding-left: 0px;
body {
margin-left: 5px;
margin-top: 5px;
margin-right: 0px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
table {
border: thin solid #000000;
<table width='100%'>
<tr bgcolor='#CCCCCC'>
<td colspan='7' height='25' align='center'>
<font face='tahoma' color='#003399' size='4'><strong>ghostinthewires Internal DiskSpace Report for $titledate</strong></font>
Add-Content $diskReport $header
# Create and write Table header for report
$tableHeader = "
<table width='100%'><tbody>
<tr bgcolor=#CCCCCC>
<td width='10%' align='center'>Server</td>
<td width='5%' align='center'>Drive</td>
<td width='15%' align='center'>Drive Label</td>
<td width='10%' align='center'>Total Capacity(GB)</td>
<td width='10%' align='center'>Used Capacity(GB)</td>
<td width='10%' align='center'>Free Space(GB)</td>
<td width='5%' align='center'>Freespace %</td>
Add-Content $diskReport $tableHeader
# Start processing disk space reports against a list of servers
foreach($computer in $computers)
$disks = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $computer -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter "DriveType = 3"
$computer = $computer.toupper()
foreach($disk in $disks)
$deviceID = $disk.DeviceID;
$volName = $disk.VolumeName;
[float]$size = $disk.Size;
[float]$freespace = $disk.FreeSpace;
$percentFree = [Math]::Round(($freespace / $size) * 100, 2);
$sizeGB = [Math]::Round($size / 1073741824, 2);
$freeSpaceGB = [Math]::Round($freespace / 1073741824, 2);
$usedSpaceGB = $sizeGB - $freeSpaceGB;
$color = $whiteColor;
$fontcolor = $FontColorBlack
# Set background color to Orange if just a warning
if($percentFree -lt $percentWarning)
$color = $orangeColor
# Set background color to Orange if space is Critical
if($percentFree -lt $percentCritcal)
$color = $redColor
$fontcolor = $fontcolorwhite
# Create table data rows
$dataRow = "
<td width='10%'>$computer</td>
<td width='5%' align='center'>$deviceID</td>
<td width='15%' >$volName</td>
<td width='10%' align='center'>$sizeGB</td>
<td width='10%' align='center'>$usedSpaceGB</td>
<td width='10%' align='center'>$freeSpaceGB</td>
<td width='5%' font face='tahoma' font color=`'$FontColor`' size='4' bgcolor=`'$color`' align='center'>$percentFree</td>
Add-Content $diskReport $dataRow;
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "$computer $deviceID percentage free space = $percentFree";
# Create table at end of report showing legend of colors for the critical and warning
$tableDescription = "
</table><br><table width='20%'>
<tr bgcolor='White'>
<td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='#FBB917'>Warning less than 15% free space</td>
<td width='10%' align='center' bgcolor='#FF0000'>Critical less than 10% free space</td>
Add-Content $diskReport $tableDescription
Add-Content $diskReport "</body></html>"
Setting #FontColor variables for text color to dynamically change output.
NEW ANSWER 2024-12-18
I basically rewrote half the code lol.
Now it's quite commented on why and how.
It should be easy to understand.
mark my specific comments.
I stand my opinion that making the HTML template its own file would make this script much easier on eyes.
# Set your warning and critical thresholds
$percentWarning = 90; #wildly increased for testing critical threshold
$percentCritcal = 95; #wildly increased for testing
# Path to the report
$reportPath = 'C:\scripts\diskspace\Report\'
## Renamed for clarity of content.
## Also it's now a DateTime object so you can use it instead of calling the function multiple times.
$CurrentDate = Get-Date #-Format 'MM-dd-yyyy_HHmmss'
# Report name
## Restructured to use the variable instead of calling again the cmdlet.
$reportName = 'DiskSpaceRpt_{0}.html' -f $CurrentDate.ToString('ddMMyyy')
# Path and Report name together
## Renamed for clarity of content.
## Used
$DiskReportPath = Join-Path -Path $reportPath -ChildPath $reportName
## If the file doesn't exist, creates it(and its directory ).
## If the file does exist, overwrites it.
## In both cases, save the link to the file as a FileInfo object to reuse it.
$DiskReportFile = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $DiskReportPath -Force
# Count if any computers have low disk space. Do not send report if less than 1.
## Removed because we can use a calculated value later
# $NumberLowSpaceComputers = 0
# Get computer list to check disk space
## Renamed for clarity of content.
## Also force-casted into a String Array, also for clarity.
[string[]]$ComputersArray = Get-Content 'C:\scripts\diskspace\servers.txt'
# Cleanup old files..
$Daysback = '-7'
$DateToDelete = $CurrentDate.AddDays($Daysback)
## Evaluate adding the parameters -File to Get-ChildItem if you are not intersted in deleting the directories.
## If you ARE interested in deleting the directories, I suggest to add the parameter -Recourse to Remove-Item.
## If you are making a simple comparison of a property in Where-Object, the scriptblock is useless.
Get-ChildItem $reportPath | Where-Object -Property LastWriteTime -LT $DatetoDelete | Remove-Item
# Create and write HTML Header of report
## Using the already existing variable instead of calling Get-Date AGAIN.
## Why was it using the Unix Format to format it though?
$titleDate = $CurrentDate.ToString('MM-dd-yyyy - dddd')
Here a longer comment. Basically: most of the page is static. The only parts
changing are the date in the title and the lines of the disks. So I made a
Template in 3 parts:
# The main HTML.
# A template for the disk rows.
# The CSS, because its curly brackets don't play well with templates
and it's also complex enough it's better to keep it separated for
easier reading.
Anyway: this makes writing the HTML+CSS much easier, but I suggest
evaluating moving the template in its own files to dynamically load by
Get-Content if this becomes complex enough.
Especially because I pretty much rewrote it all to be HTML5-compliant.
Most properties now are managed by CSS.
More about them in the CSS variable, commented to be read even after being
$Css = '
/* This will be the base value for all Table Rows */
tr {
background-color: #cccccc;
/* This will be the base value for all Table Cells, both Header Cells<TH> and Data Cells<TD> */
td, th {
width: 10%;
text-align: center;
/* This will be the base value for all Table Header Cells<TH> */
/* Its values combine with those set in the previous declaration */
/* In case of overlapping property settings, the successive overrides the previous */
th {
font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
color: #003399;
/* This will affect Table Header Cells with the "Main" class */
th.main {
width: 100%;
font-size: larger;
/* This will affect ANY element with the "Warning" class */
.Warning {
background-color: #FBB917;
/* This will affect ANY element with the "Critical" class */
.Critical {
background-color: #ff0000;
color: #ffffff;
/* This will affect Table Data Cells that are inside Table Rows that are inside the Table Footer */
tfoot tr {
background-color: #ffffff;
/* This will affect ANY element with the "Warning" class inside the Table Footer<TFOOT> element */
tfoot .Warning {
width: 10%;
color: unset;
/* This will affect ANY element with the "Warning" class inside the Table Footer<TFOOT> element */
tfoot .Critical {
width: 10%;
color: unset;
/* This will affect ANY element with the "NoCenter" class */
.NoCenter {
/* This specifically resets the text alignment to the default */
text-align: unset;
/* This will affect ANY element with the "FivePercent" class */
.FivePercent {
width: 5%;
/* This will affect ANY element with the "FifteenPercent" class */
.FifteenPercent {
width: 15%;
$HtmlTemplate = "
<!doctype html>
<html lang='en'>
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
<title>DiskSpace Report ({0} )</title>
<th colspan='7' class='main'> ghostinthewires Internal DiskSpace Report for {0} </th>
<th class='FivePercent'>Drive</th>
<th class='FifteenPercent'>Drive Label</th>
<th>Total Capacity(GB)</th>
<th>Used Capacity(GB)</th>
<th>Free Space(GB)</th>
<th class='FivePercent'>Freespace %</th>
<td class='Warning'>Warning less than 15% free space</td>
<td class='Critical'>Critical less than 10% free space</td>
<td colspan='5'></td>
$TableRowTemplate = "
<td >{0}</td>
<td class='FivePercent' >{1}</td>
<td class='FifteenPercent NoCenter'>{2}</td>
<td >{3:n2}</td>
<td >{4:n2}</td>
<td >{5:n2}</td>
<td class='FivePercent {6}' >{7}</td>
# Start processing disk space reports against a list of servers
## I wrote it so every Success Stream output will be added to the $HtmlTableRowArray array.
## And the Success Stream is obviously a string formatted from $TableRowTemplate.
## It also means you don't need a dedicated variable to keep track of how many disks have issues:
## you can simply use the .Count property of $HtmlTableRowArray.
$HtmlTableRowArray = foreach ($computer in $ComputersArray) {
## Using Get-CimInstance because the Wmi cmdlets are obsolete.
$disks = Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $computer -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter 'DriveType = 3'
## just use the disk property as needed for the computer name.
# $computer = $computer.toupper()
foreach ($disk in $disks) {
## Removed because you can simply call the object properties directly.
## $deviceID = $disk.DeviceID
## $volName = $disk.VolumeName
[float]$size = $disk.Size
[float]$freespace = $disk.FreeSpace
$percentFree = [Math]::Round(($freespace / $size) * 100, 2)
## by using /1GB you can automagically convert to Gigabyte values.
## replace GB with MB, kB and others for different scale.
$sizeGB = $size / 1GB
$freeSpaceGB = $freespace / 1GB
$usedSpaceGB = $sizeGB - $freeSpaceGB
## Three possibilities, so a Switch is a little better.
## Especially in the scenario of adding further values, you never know.
$Class = switch ($percentFree) {
{ $_ -lt $percentCritcal } { 'Critical'; break }
{ $_ -lt $percentWarning } { 'Warning' ; break }
default { $null }
## Compiles the $TableRowTemplate with the following values, then sends the results to the Success Stream where it gets added to $HtmlTableRowsArray.
$TableRowTemplate -f $disk.SystemName.ToUpper(), $disk.deviceID, $disk.VolumeName, $sizeGB, $usedSpaceGB, $freeSpaceGB, $Class, $percentFree
## Tell the user through the terminal about it
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "$($disk.SystemName.ToUpper()) | $($disk.DeviceID) | percentage free space = $percentFree"
## Just to let the user know... or whatever you need.
Write-Host "number of disk with problem is: $($HtmlTableRowArray.Count)"
## Compiles the $HtmlTeplate with the values for the title date, the CSS and the disk rows.
## because $HtmlTableRowArray is an array, it needs to be converted to a single string through -Join.
## The resulting string is then set on the report file
$HtmlTemplate -f $titleDate, $css, ($HtmlTableRowArray -join [System.Environment]::NewLine) | Set-Content -Path $DiskReportFile
To start, I suggest you to add the HTML
and CSS
Especially because this code is using quite old HTML.
It's much easier to use better CSS for your scope.
is obsolete and has been removed from Powershell 6+.
Replace it with Get-CimInstance
, it works the same(in this case)
You don't need to escape single quotes '
while encapsuled in double quotes "
here, it took me 3e124^(googol) years in notepad.exe to write this down (read: triple check it because I didn't bother beyond basic functionality and I have no doubt I used some obsolete HTML properties)
# Set your warning and critical thresholds
$percentWarning = 90; #wildly increased for testing critical threshold
$percentCritcal = 95; #wildly increased for testing
# Path to the report
$reportPath = 'C:\scripts\diskspace\Report\'
# Report name
$reportName = "DiskSpaceRpt_$(Get-Date -Format ddMMyyyy).html"
# Path and Report name together
$diskReport = Join-Path -Path $reportPath -ChildPath $reportName
# Count if any computers have low disk space. Do not send report if less than 1.
$i = 0
# Get computer list to check disk space
$computers = Get-Content 'C:\scripts\diskspace\servers.txt'
$datetime = Get-Date -Format 'MM-dd-yyyy_HHmmss'
$null = New-Item $diskReport -Force
# Cleanup old files..
$Daysback = '-7'
$CurrentDate = Get-Date
$DateToDelete = $CurrentDate.AddDays($Daysback)
Get-ChildItem $reportPath | Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -lt $DatetoDelete } | Remove-Item
# Create and write HTML Header of report
$titleDate = Get-Date -UFormat '%m-%d-%Y - %A'
$Html = "
<!doctype html>
<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8'>
<title>DiskSpace Report</title>
<STYLE TYPE='text/css'>
tr {
background-color: #cccccc;
th {
text-align: center;
th {
font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
color: #003399;
font-size: larger;
tfoot tr {
background-color: #ffffff;
tfoot tr td:first-child {
background-color: #FBB917;
tfoot tr td:last-child {
background-color: #ff0000;
.NoCenter {
text-align: unset;
.Warning {
color: #FBB917;
.Critical {
color: #ff0000;
background-color: #ffffff;
<table width='100%'>
<tr >
<th colspan='7' class='main'> ghostinthewires Internal DiskSpace Report for $titledate </th>
<th width='10%' >Server</th>
<th width='5%' >Drive</th>
<th width='15%' >Drive Label</th>
<th width='10%' >Total Capacity(GB)</th>
<th width='10%' >Used Capacity(GB)</th>
<th width='10%' >Free Space(GB)</th>
<th width='5%' >Freespace %</th>
$HtmlFooter = "
<td width='10%'>Warning less than 15% free space</td>
<td width='10%'>Critical less than 10% free space</td>
$dataRow = "
<td width='10%'>{0}</td>
<td width='5%' >{1}</td>
<td width='15%' class='NoCenter'>{2}</td>
<td width='10%' >{3:n2}</td>
<td width='10%' >{4:n2}</td>
<td width='10%' >{5:n2}</td>
<td width='5%' class='{6}' >{7}</td>
# Start processing disk space reports against a list of servers
foreach ($computer in $computers) {
$disks = Get-CimInstance -ComputerName $computer -Class Win32_LogicalDisk -Filter 'DriveType = 3'
# $computer = $computer.toupper()
foreach ($disk in $disks) {
$deviceID = $disk.DeviceID
$volName = $disk.VolumeName
[float]$size = $disk.Size
[float]$freespace = $disk.FreeSpace
$percentFree = [Math]::Round(($freespace / $size) * 100, 2)
$sizeGB = $size / 1GB
# $sizeGB.gettype(); pause
$freeSpaceGB = $freespace / 1GB
$usedSpaceGB = $sizeGB - $freeSpaceGB
$Class = $Null
# Set background color to Orange if just a warning
if ($percentFree -lt $percentWarning) {
$Class = '.Warning'
# Set background color to Orange if space is Critical
if ($percentFree -lt $percentCritcal) {
$class = '.Critical'
$Html += $dataRow -f $computer, $deviceID, $volName, $sizeGB, $usedSpaceGB, $freeSpaceGB, $Class, $percentFree
Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "$computer $deviceID percentage free space = $percentFree"
# A table at end of report showing legend of colors for the critical and warning
$Html += $HtmlFooter
# Export to the file.
$Html | Set-Content -Path $diskReport