
terra::as.data.frame Naming when dealing with multiple layers

When using as.data.frame to handle multiple layers, for the merged layer all the naming is lyr.1. Is there a better way to solve this naming problem?


m <- matrix(1:25, nrow=5, ncol=5)
rm <- rast(m)
n <- matrix(rep(5,time=25),nrow = 5,ncol = 5)
rn <- rast(n)

dt <- c(rm,rn)
data <- terra::as.data.frame(dt,xy=TRUE)
> head(data)
    x   y lyr.1 lyr.1
1 0.5 4.5     1     5
2 1.5 4.5     6     5
3 2.5 4.5    11     5
4 3.5 4.5    16     5
5 4.5 4.5    21     5
6 0.5 3.5     2     5

Is it possible to bring the original names into the layers (in the example: rm and rn)?


  • You can set the layer names with names<-

    Your data

    rm <- matrix(1:25, nrow=5, ncol=5) |> rast()
    rn <- matrix(rep(5,time=25),nrow = 5,ncol = 5) |> rast()
    dt <- c(rm, rn)

    set the names

    names(dt) <- c("A", "B")
    terra::as.data.frame(dt,xy=TRUE) |> head(2)
    #    x   y A B
    #1 0.5 4.5 1 5
    #2 1.5 4.5 6 5

    You could also do

    dt <- terra::rast(c(A=rm, B=rn))
    terra::as.data.frame(dt,xy=TRUE) |> head(2)
    #    x   y A B
    #1 0.5 4.5 1 5
    #2 1.5 4.5 6 5