
RegExp testing fails when string is validated in RegExp tools

I have a small regexp that should verify if a commits subject adheres to the ReactJS commit message format. Since the expression works with my test strings the code left me baffled.

This small example should reproduce the behaviour:


function test_subject {
  local subject="$1"
  local pattern="^(feat|fix|docs|style|refactor|test|chore)\([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\): [^\n]+$"

  if ! [[ $subject =~ $pattern ]]; then
    echo "Invalid subject: $subject"
    echo "  Valid subject: $subject"

test_subject "chore(gh-actions): add script for commit check"
test_subject "chore(gh-actions): add script for commit checking"
test_subject "feat(ABC-123): add new feature"
test_subject "fix(ABC123): add new feature"
test_subject "fix(ABC123): fix previously added feature"
test_subject "fix(scope): fix bug"

This leads to the following output:

  Valid subject: chore(gh-actions): add script for commit check
Invalid subject: chore(gh-actions): add script for commit checking
Invalid subject: feat(ABC-123): add new feature
Invalid subject: fix(ABC123): add new feature
  Valid subject: fix(ABC123): fix previously added feature
  Valid subject: fix(scope): fix bug


  • You will need to use . instead of [^\n] in your shell regex to match any character.

    [^\n] is being evaluated as [^n] i.e. any character other than n and your example strings no 2,3,4 have letter n somewhere after matching :.

    This should work for you:

    test_subject() {
      local subject="$1"
      local pattern="^(feat|fix|docs|style|refactor|test|chore)\([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\): .+$"
      if ! [[ $subject =~ $pattern ]]; then
        echo "Invalid subject: $subject"
        echo "  Valid subject: $subject"
    test_subject "chore(gh-actions): add script for commit check"
    test_subject "chore(gh-actions): add script for commit checking"
    test_subject "feat(ABC-123): add new feature"
    test_subject "fix(ABC123): add new feature"
    test_subject "fix(ABC123): fix previously added feature"
    test_subject "fix(scope): fix bug"


      Valid subject: chore(gh-actions): add script for commit check
      Valid subject: chore(gh-actions): add script for commit checking
      Valid subject: feat(ABC-123): add new feature
      Valid subject: fix(ABC123): add new feature
      Valid subject: fix(ABC123): fix previously added feature
      Valid subject: fix(scope): fix bug