I am new to Java and have been looking up for answers but I must be missing it. So here is the question:
This is my controller:
public REntity<IModel> getPersonById(
@PathVariable("id") @Parameter(description = "The id to retrieve") String id) {
IModel response = this.myService.getPersonById(id);
if (response != null) {
return REntity.ok().body(response);
else {
return REntity.notFound().build();
Contents of the test method:
mockMvc.perform(get("/issuers/{id}", "123")).andExpect(status().is(404));
How can I call the else block? I can't pass a null to the id param. The service also doesn't return null. Is there a mock to return null when the service is called?
You will need to create a mock of your service that returns null for a given id:
final MyService myService = mock(MyService.class);